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Nearly 2,500 Swimmers & Divers On Scholar All-America Eligibility List

The College Swimming & Diving Coaches Association of America (CSCAA) has publishedits Scholar All-America Eligibility List. Nearly 2,500 swimmers and divers are eligible for first-team honors by way of participating in the NCAA, NAIA or NJCAA National Championships. Another 1,915 are candidates for second-team honors based on their reaching an individual NCAA ‘B’ standard or participating in a NCAA diving qualifying event.

Stanford University leads all programs with thirty-nine first-team candidates followed by Indian River (38) and Texas (37).

Having achieved the requisite athletic standards, these candidates must achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.50 or higher and be nominated by their member coach or their designee . Last year 997 students earned first-team honors while another 954 were named to the second team.

The deadline for nominations is June 14th.


Air Force
Cole Armagost (Zone Diving Competitor)
Isaac Gwin (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Lattin (Achieved B Cut)
Peter Lochmaier (Achieved B Cut)
Zachary Nelson (Achieved B Cut)

Christian Arseneau (Achieved B Cut)
Knox Auerbach (Championship Participant)
Laurent Bams (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Berneburg (Championship Participant)
Jack Blake (Championship Participant)
Michael Burris (Achieved B Cut)
John Costine (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sam Disette (Achieved B Cut)
Nico Hernandez-Tome (Achieved B Cut)
Robert Howard (Championship Participant)
Hunter Jaynes (Zone Diving Competitor)
Daniel Kober (Achieved B Cut)
Josh Lenzmeier (Achieved B Cut)
Zhenwei Li (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kyle Maas (Achieved B Cut)
Richard Miksi (Achieved B Cut)
Nicholas Perera (Championship Participant)
Nico Perner (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Ratliff (Achieved B Cut)
Tyler Sesvold (Achieved B Cut)
Zane Waddell (Championship Participant)
Spencer Walker (Achieved B Cut)

Jacob Burris (Championship Participant)
Scott Ciemniecki (Championship Participant)
Jacob Huttenlocher (Championship Participant)
Tyler Kimbrell (Championship Participant)
Nathanial Kozycki (Championship Participant)
Ian Moran (Championship Participant)
Evan Wonner (Achieved B Cut)

Bryce Schaffer (Achieved B Cut)

Logan Cross (Zone Diving Competitor)
Christopher Deaver (Championship Participant)

Alfred State
Austin Miller (Zone Diving Competitor)

Thomas Amsbry (Championship Participant)
Adi Arifovic (Achieved B Cut)
Bennett Fagan (Championship Participant)
Jack Koravos (Championship Participant)
Ang Li (Championship Participant)
Sean Mebust (Championship Participant)
Christopher Quinones (Achieved B Cut)
Scott Romeyn (Championship Participant)
Charles Seltzer (Championship Participant)
Craig Smith (Championship Participant)
Tristan So (Championship Participant)
Gary Sun (Achieved B Cut)
Eric Wong (Championship Participant)

TJ Dalton (Achieved B Cut)

Jack Anderson (Achieved B Cut)
Thomas Anderson (Championship Participant)
Eric Correa (Zone Diving Competitor)
Chatham Dobbs (Championship Participant)
Marin Ercegovic (Championship Participant)
Brooks Fail (Championship Participant)
Etay Gurevich (Championship Participant)
Jorge Iga (Championship Participant)
Sam Iida (Championship Participant)
Christian Imbus (Achieved B Cut)
Aldan Johnston (Achieved B Cut)
Jerad Kaskawal (Achieved B Cut)
Matt Lujan (Achieved B Cut)
Brendan Meyer (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Namir (Championship Participant)
Mathias Oh (Achieved B Cut)
Casey Ponton (Zone Diving Competitor)
Noah Reid (Championship Participant)
Matthew Salerno (Championship Participant)
David Schlicht (Championship Participant)
Isaac Stump (Achieved B Cut)
Ty Wells (Achieved B Cut)

Arizona State
Logan Andrews (Zone Diving Competitor)
William (Liam) Bresette (Championship Participant)
Cody Bybee (Achieved B Cut)
Evan Carlson (Championship Participant)
Danny Comforti (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Edgemond (Achieved B Cut)
Khalil Fonder (Championship Participant)
David Hoffer (Championship Participant)
Grant House (Championship Participant)
Matthew Kint (Achieved B Cut)
Gage Kohner (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Little (Achieved B Cut)
Ethan Luc (Achieved B Cut)
Benjamin Olszewski (Achieved B Cut)
Zachary Poti (Championship Participant)
Conner Pruitt (Zone Diving Competitor)
Youssef Selim (Championship Participant)
Carter Swift (Championship Participant)
Elijah Warren (Championship Participant)

Daniel Alaimo (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kevin Doo (Achieved B Cut)
Nate Hein (Achieved B Cut)
Tyler Kim (Achieved B Cut)
Brian McKenrick (Achieved B Cut)
Thomas Ottman (Achieved B Cut)
Evan Zhang (Achieved B Cut)
Josh Zock (Achieved B Cut)

Jason (Clay) Bisher (Championship Participant)
Keith Jessee (Championship Participant)
Ronan Passman (Championship Participant)
Caleb Reams (Championship Participant)
I-Hung Wu (Championship Participant)

Franc Aleksi (Achieved B Cut)
Lucas Cortini Oliveira (Achieved B Cut)

McFoster Ballard (Championship Participant)
Thomas Brewer (Championship Participant)
David Crossland (Championship Participant)
Josh Dannhauser (Championship Participant)
Brogan Davis (Achieved B Cut)
Christian Ginieczki (Championship Participant)
Santiago Grassi (Championship Participant)
Bryan Lee (Achieved B Cut)
Aryan Makhija (Achieved B Cut)
Liam McCloskey (Championship Participant)
Russell Noletto (Achieved B Cut)
Drayton Pruitt (Championship Participant)
Spencer Rowe (Championship Participant)
Christian Sztolcman (Achieved B Cut)
Owen Upchurch (Championship Participant)
Matthew Yish (Championship Participant)

Jared Ekberg (Championship Participant)

Alex Damiecki (Achieved B Cut)

Dionysis Tzortzis (Championship Participant)

Tegan Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Jaksa Gabric (Achieved B Cut)
Jonathan York (Achieved B Cut)

Barton Community
Marco Alvarez Sanchez (Championship Participant)
Simon Botton (Championship Participant)
Noah Childs (Championship Participant)
Elijae Draper (Championship Participant)
David Garcia (Championship Participant)
Leonard-Anrei Olaru (Championship Participant)
Gabriel Ozanne (Championship Participant)
Isaac Panzer (Championship Participant)
Rory Smith (Championship Participant)
William Spitz (Championship Participant)
Christian Taylor (Championship Participant)
Asa Unruh (Championship Participant)
Sean Williams (Championship Participant)

Alan Li (Achieved B Cut)

Wil Kangas-olson (Zone Diving Competitor)

Frank Elenio (Achieved B Cut)
Dan Sausto (Achieved B Cut)

Alexander Johnson (Championship Participant)
Brock Lane (Championship Participant)
Evan Minter (Championship Participant)
Joshua Vandyke (Championship Participant)

Birmingham Southern
James Hughes (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nico Medina (Achieved B Cut)
Justin Moser (Zone Diving Competitor)

Boston College
Taylor Cortens (Achieved B Cut)
Charlie Kleinsmith (Achieved B Cut)

Julian Abaldo (Championship Participant)
Coleman Komishane (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Macdonald (Championship Participant)
Theodore Mebust (Championship Participant)
Stephen Pastoriza (Achieved B Cut)
Mitchell Ryan (Championship Participant)
Karl Sarier (Championship Participant)
Daniel Williams (Achieved B Cut)

Tamir Zitelny (Achieved B Cut)

Wilmar Du Plessis (Achieved B Cut)
Erik Hren (Championship Participant)
Brian Kelly (Championship Participant)
Klavio Meca (Achieved B Cut)

Brigham Young
Morgan Cooper (Zone Diving Competitor)
Josue Dominguez (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Evans (Zone Diving Competitor)
Bryce Farabee (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nathan Gonzales (Zone Diving Competitor)
Levi Jensen (Achieved B Cut)
Kimble Mahler (Zone Diving Competitor)
Javier Nicolas (Achieved B Cut)
Jared Shaw (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Sorensen (Achieved B Cut)
Payton Sorenson (Championship Participant)
Connor Stirling (Achieved B Cut)
Tama Tuitama (Achieved B Cut)

Cody Cline (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Lincoln (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Park (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Smilenov (Achieved B Cut)
Coley Sullivan (Achieved B Cut)
Joon Sung (Achieved B Cut)

Trevor Hazlewood (Zone Diving Competitor)
Micah Ornelas (Achieved B Cut)

Chadd Cummings (Achieved B Cut)

Cal Baptist
Sean Foster (Achieved B Cut)
Jerome Heidrich (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Leahy (Achieved B Cut)
Brandon Schuster (Achieved B Cut)
Scott Tolman (Achieved B Cut)

Cal Lutheran
Stephen Blaauw (Achieved B Cut)
Benjamin Brewer (Championship Participant)
Andreas (AJ) Nybo (Championship Participant)

Karl Arvidsson (Championship Participant)
Nate Biondi (Championship Participant)
Connor Callahan (Championship Participant)
Daniel Carr (Championship Participant)
Shane Forker (Championship Participant)
Sean Grieshop (Championship Participant)
Jarod Hatch (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Hoffer (Championship Participant)
Michael Jensen (Championship Participant)
Chris Jhong (Achieved B Cut)
Trenton Julian (Championship Participant)
Bryce Mefford (Championship Participant)
Kyle Millis (Achieved B Cut)
Nicholas Norman (Championship Participant)
David Puczkowski (Achieved B Cut)
Zheng Quah (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Robinson (Championship Participant)
Carson Sand (Championship Participant)
Andrew Seliskar (Championship Participant)
Pawel Sendyk (Championship Participant)
Andy Song (Achieved B Cut)
Ken Takahashi (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Thomas (Championship Participant)
Reece Whitley (Championship Participant)
Jack Xie (Achieved B Cut)
Ethan Young (Achieved B Cut)

Thomas Gallup (Championship Participant)
Nick Jasinski (Achieved B Cut)

Jared Britton (Championship Participant)
Skyler Fish (Championship Participant)
Ryan Gelderloos (Championship Participant)
Benjamin Holstege (Championship Participant)
Noah Holstege (Championship Participant)
Samuel Holstege (Championship Participant)
JULIAN ITURBE (Championship Participant)
Tim Randall (Championship Participant)

Gary (Tucker) Hardin (Championship Participant)
Roderick Harris (Championship Participant)
Nicholas Kessler (Championship Participant)
Justin Spalding (Championship Participant)
Daniel Zachar (Championship Participant)

Jack Heinzel (Achieved B Cut)

Carnegie Mellon
Gabe Bamforth (Championship Participant)
Justin Britton (Championship Participant)
Winston Chu (Achieved B Cut)
Colin Daniel (Championship Participant)
Richard Dauksher (Championship Participant)
Baris Denizli (Achieved B Cut)
Ej Eppinger (Achieved B Cut)
Maxwell Gonzalez (Championship Participant)
Samuel Hawke (Championship Participant)
Doug Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Joyner (Achieved B Cut)
Judson Kyle (Championship Participant)
James Kyle (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jack Lance (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Ng (Championship Participant)

Chad Andoljsek (Championship Participant)
Chad Andoljšek (Championship Participant)
Marcelo Fi Gueiredo (Championship Participant)
Marcelo Figueiredo (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew George (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Goss (Championship Participant)
Caleb Howell (Championship Participant)
Seth Hughes (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Lancaster (Championship Participant)
Nikola Tadic (Championship Participant)
Andrei Ungur (Achieved B Cut)

Sam Gabriel (Championship Participant)
Cooper Hawkins (Achieved B Cut)
Mitchell Mages (Championship Participant)
Adam Moskus (Championship Participant)
Nicholas Nevins (Championship Participant)
Connor Pierson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nick Seroni (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Wallar (Achieved B Cut)

Case Western
Keith Erichsen (Achieved B Cut)

Max Shoyat (Achieved B Cut)

Martin Baffico (Achieved B Cut)
Taye Baldinazzo (Championship Participant)
Lance Culjat (Championship Participant)
Nick Ding (Championship Participant)
Alexander Farrell (Championship Participant)
Albert Litschgi (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Mendley (Championship Participant)
Sam Nickson (Achieved B Cut)
Keenan Novis (Championship Participant)
Jp Phillips (Achieved B Cut)
Alexander Qu (Achieved B Cut)
George Reuter (Championship Participant)
Keda Song (Championship Participant)
Miles Spencer (Championship Participant)
Michael Todd (Championship Participant)
Georgios Tzortzis (Achieved B Cut)
Winston Wang (Championship Participant)
Reona Yamaguchi (Championship Participant)

Fran Arevalo (Achieved B Cut)
Justin Crew (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Fortman (Achieved B Cut)
Blake Hanna (Achieved B Cut)
Tyler Jones (Achieved B Cut)
Dom Polling (Achieved B Cut)
Joey Puglessi (Achieved B Cut)
Parker Saladin (Achieved B Cut)
Din Selmanovic (Achieved B Cut)
Toby Van Dyke (Achieved B Cut)

Claremont MS
Marco Conati (Championship Participant)
Ben Culberson (Achieved B Cut)
Kyle Fendorf (Achieved B Cut)
Sean Hoerger (Achieved B Cut)
Kendall Hollimon (Championship Participant)
Michael Lee (Achieved B Cut)
Henry Limm (Achieved B Cut)
Aaron Lutzker (Achieved B Cut)
Abel Sapirstein (Achieved B Cut)
Nicholas Tan (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Waddell (Achieved B Cut)

Michael Allison (Championship Participant)
Cary Johns (Championship Participant)
Josh Thruston (Achieved B Cut)

Brent Reid (Zone Diving Competitor)

Cleveland State
Matthew Akers (Zone Diving Competitor)
Matthew Martin (Achieved B Cut)
Curtis Roden (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jared Stergar (Achieved B Cut)

Coast Guard
Michael Blake (Achieved B Cut)
Tyler Dominick (Championship Participant)
Colin Fenster (Achieved B Cut)
Eric Fuhs (Championship Participant)
Patrick Jackson (Championship Participant)
Daniel Jenkins (Championship Participant)
Christian Lower (Achieved B Cut)
Devin McClure (Achieved B Cut)
John Pompay (Championship Participant)
Joseph Rodriguez (Championship Participant)
Taylor Rowe (Achieved B Cut)
Marshall Seguin (Zone Diving Competitor)
Chasse Sodemann (Championship Participant)

Ryan Bedell (Achieved B Cut)
Xander Geiersbach (Achieved B Cut)
David Losert (Zone Diving Competitor)

Colorado Mesa
Lane Austin (Championship Participant)
Matthew Barrett (Achieved B Cut)
Morgan Bean (Championship Participant)
Eric Berg (Achieved B Cut)
Arthur Cury (Championship Participant)
Jacob Dexter (Achieved B Cut)
Mahmoud ELGAYAR (Championship Participant)
Landon Ellis (Championship Participant)
Logan Ellis (Championship Participant)
Justin Fell (Achieved B Cut)
Ammar Hassan (Championship Participant)
Chandler Livingston (Championship Participant)
Noah Macomber (Championship Participant)
Zander (Jake) Minano (Championship Participant)
Torsten Rau (Championship Participant)
Jake Simmons (Achieved B Cut)
Pedro Terres Illescas (Championship Participant)
Jackson Wuthrich (Achieved B Cut)

Colorado Mines
Jonathan Donehower (Achieved B Cut)
Sam Knott (Achieved B Cut)
Peyton Scherschel (Achieved B Cut)

Shane Brett (Achieved B Cut)
Albert Gwo (Achieved B Cut)
Jonas Kistorp (Achieved B Cut)
Joseph Licht (Achieved B Cut)
Nianguo Liu (Achieved B Cut)
Jonathan Suckow (Championship Participant)
Alexander Walker (Achieved B Cut)

Concordia Irvine
Austin Barton (Achieved B Cut)
Kyle Benjamin (Championship Participant)
Albe Cortes (Achieved B Cut)
Taylor Steffen (Achieved B Cut)

Conn College
Charlie Adl (Achieved B Cut)
Josh Franco (Achieved B Cut)
Colin Merrill (Achieved B Cut)
Jared Nussbaum (Achieved B Cut)

Karl Bishop (Achieved B Cut)
Will Kearsey (Achieved B Cut)
David May (Achieved B Cut)

Ryan Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Dylan Curtis (Achieved B Cut)
Brett Hebert (Zone Diving Competitor)
James Huang (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Mahoney (Achieved B Cut)

CSU Bakersfield
Loren Gillilan (Achieved B Cut)
Kristofer Rogic (Achieved B Cut)

Gustavs Baumanis (Championship Participant)
Sean Britton (Championship Participant)
Michael Cain (Championship Participant)
Edmond Ceausu (Championship Participant)
Nicolas Cecioni (Championship Participant)
Thomas Crawford (Championship Participant)
Hunter Eaton (Championship Participant)
Nicolas Huggard (Championship Participant)
Viktor Lyson (Championship Participant)
William (Alex) Mashburn (Championship Participant)
Johnathan McDonald (Championship Participant)
Bryce Pierce (Championship Participant)
Carl Rogne (Championship Participant)
Alan Senn (Championship Participant)
Jacob Smith (Championship Participant)
Blaise (Blaise ) Snowberg (Championship Participant)
Daric Sundeen (Championship Participant)
Joel Westerlind (Championship Participant)

Connor Lamastra (Achieved B Cut)

Delta State
Josh Armond (Championship Participant)
Federico Bracco (Championship Participant)
Giulio Brugnoni (Championship Participant)
Adam Charlton (Achieved B Cut)
Emanuel Fava (Championship Participant)
Danyyil Gayuk (Championship Participant)
Ben Kelly (Achieved B Cut)
Kohen Kerr (Championship Participant)
Keith Lloyd (Championship Participant)
Michael Maly (Championship Participant)
Nicolas Martin (Championship Participant)
Hunter McCarter (Championship Participant)
Gabriel Miranda (Achieved B Cut)
Savio Ragonesi (Championship Participant)
Matey Rezashki (Championship Participant)
Nathan Sawicki (Championship Participant)
Mattia Schirru (Championship Participant)
John Wesley Stewart (Achieved B Cut)
Kyle Weesner (Championship Participant)
Alexander Zolotukhin (Championship Participant)

Michael Arpasi (Achieved B Cut)
James Baker (Championship Participant)
Jackson Berman (Achieved B Cut)
Ethan Bevill (Achieved B Cut)
Francis Biagioli (Achieved B Cut)
Carson Clear (Championship Participant)
Nicholas Czepukaitis (Achieved B Cut)
P.J. Desmet (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Edwards (Achieved B Cut)
Tiernan Foster-Smith (Championship Participant)
Kenny Fox (Championship Participant)
Nicholas Froemming (Achieved B Cut)
Lukas Gately (Achieved B Cut)
Eric Gerlach (Championship Participant)
Matthew Hedman (Championship Participant)
Drake Horton (Championship Participant)
Noah Houskeeper (Championship Participant)
Samuel Jo (Achieved B Cut)
Piotr Kurleto (Achieved B Cut)
Richard Kurlich (Championship Participant)
Colin MacMillan (Championship Participant)
Matthew McHugh (Championship Participant)
Sam O'Malley (Achieved B Cut)
Liam Picozzi (Championship Participant)
Matt Reed (Achieved B Cut)
Kymani Senior (Championship Participant)
Chas Sigloh (Achieved B Cut)
William Simmons (Zone Diving Competitor)
John Stauffer (Championship Participant)
Bradley (Ryan) Stevenson (Championship Participant)
Kyle Verstandig (Achieved B Cut)
Jake Von Der Lippe (Achieved B Cut)
Oliver Waldram (Achieved B Cut)
Robert Wang (Championship Participant)
Brett Weicht (Championship Participant)
Robert Williams (Championship Participant)
Dayen Wilson (Achieved B Cut)

Cameron Auchinachie (Championship Participant)
Jackson Gainer (Achieved B Cut)
Colin Gilbert (Achieved B Cut)
Patrick Groters (Achieved B Cut)
Cy Jager (Achieved B Cut)
Adriel Sanes (Achieved B Cut)
Neil Wachtler (Achieved B Cut)

Jack Christie (Achieved B Cut)
Tommy Hackley (Achieved B Cut)

Jason Arthur (Achieved B Cut)
Anthony Musciano (Zone Diving Competitor)
Paris Raptis (Achieved B Cut)

Parker Benn (Achieved B Cut)
Caleb Carlson (Championship Participant)
Joan Casanovas (Achieved B Cut)
Khameron Glass (Championship Participant)
Tame Govaerts-Paul (Achieved B Cut)
Aitor Martinez (Championship Participant)
Aitor Martinez Rodriguez (Championship Participant)
Tommy Nelson (Achieved B Cut)
Aaron Parrott (Achieved B Cut)
Vincent Price (Achieved B Cut)
Jan Rasmussen (Championship Participant)
Andrew Rodriguez (Championship Participant)
Murat SAGDULLAEV (Achieved B Cut)
Pavel Semochkin (Championship Participant)
Young Tae Seo (Championship Participant)
Bryan Sullivan (Achieved B Cut)
Ean Vandergraaf (Championship Participant)

Harel Anolick (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sheldon Boboff (Achieved B Cut)
Nathaniel Hartley (Achieved B Cut)
Nathaniel Hernandez (Championship Participant)
Judd Howard (Achieved B Cut)
Spencer LaFata (Achieved B Cut)
Yusuke Legard (Achieved B Cut)
Evan Moretti (Championship Participant)
Joshua Owsiany (Zone Diving Competitor)
Maximilian St. George (Championship Participant)
Sean Tate (Achieved B Cut)
Miles Williams (Championship Participant)
Adam Zimmer (Achieved B Cut)

East Carolina
Magnus Andersen (Achieved B Cut)
Jacek Arentewicz (Achieved B Cut)
Blaz Demsar (Achieved B Cut)
Lyubomir Epitropov (Achieved B Cut)
Devin Nugent (Zone Diving Competitor)
Marek Osina (Achieved B Cut)
Gustavo Santos (Championship Participant)
Luke Stivers (Zone Diving Competitor)
Tristan Taylor (Achieved B Cut)

Ander Arruabarrena (Achieved B Cut)
Igor Dantas (Championship Participant)
Rafael Mendes (Championship Participant)
Stanislas Raczynski (Achieved B Cut)
Thiago Rosa (Championship Participant)
Joao Santos (Championship Participant)
Alex Sobers (Championship Participant)

Lucas Bumgarner (Championship Participant)
Sean Byman (Achieved B Cut)
Zachary Chen (Championship Participant)
Tyler Curran (Achieved B Cut)
Calvin Furbee (Achieved B Cut)
Thomas Gordon (Championship Participant)
Jason Hamilton (Championship Participant)
Jack Kelleher (Achieved B Cut)
Alexander Kohlman (Championship Participant)
Mathias (Trey) Kolleck (Championship Participant)
Colin Lafave (Championship Participant)
Zachary Lorson (Championship Participant)
William O'Daffer (Championship Participant)
Sage Ono (Championship Participant)
Patrick Pema (Championship Participant)
Lawrence Redmond (Championship Participant)
Matthew Rogers (Championship Participant)
William (Tyler) Russell (Championship Participant)
Will Schuler (Achieved B Cut)
HwaMin Sim (Championship Participant)
Ethan Sternberg (Achieved B Cut)
Kellen Stillman (Championship Participant)

Dominic Bubb (Championship Participant)
David Howard (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Pilat (Championship Participant)
Dillon Wolfe (Championship Participant)

Paul Pavala (Achieved B Cut)

Matt Anderson (Achieved B Cut)
Brennan Balogh (Championship Participant)
Khader Baqlah (Championship Participant)
Ethan Beach (Achieved B Cut)
Clark Beach (Championship Participant)
Chandler Bray (Achieved B Cut)
Miguel Cancel (Achieved B Cut)
Drew Clark (Achieved B Cut)
Santi Corredor (Achieved B Cut)
Isaac Davis (Achieved B Cut)
Willie Davis (Championship Participant)
Alex Farrow (Zone Diving Competitor)
Robert Finke (Championship Participant)
Robert Freeman (Championship Participant)
Ergecan Gezmis (Championship Participant)
Marco Guarente (Championship Participant)
Lyle Hayes-Macaluso (Zone Diving Competitor)
Grady Heath (Achieved B Cut)
Dillon Hillis (Championship Participant)
Alexander Lebed (Championship Participant)
Nicholas Lydon (Zone Diving Competitor)
Dakota Mahaffey (Achieved B Cut)
Bayley Main (Championship Participant)
Christoph Margotti (Achieved B Cut)
Ross Palazzo (Achieved B Cut)
Gerry Quinn (Achieved B Cut)
Maxime Rooney (Championship Participant)
Grant Sanders (Championship Participant)
Tyler Silver (Achieved B Cut)
Kieran Smith (Championship Participant)
Kacper Stokowski (Championship Participant)
Jack Szaranek (Championship Participant)
Stanley Wu (Championship Participant)

Florida Atlantic
Josh Fountain (Achieved B Cut)

Florida Southern
Matt Agostinelli (Achieved B Cut)
Dorian Bachlaj (Championship Participant)
Carlos Bernotti (Championship Participant)
Miguel Bernotti (Championship Participant)
Nico Campbell (Championship Participant)
Brandon Dyck (Championship Participant)
Charles-Henry Gotsch (Championship Participant)
Talor Hamilton (Championship Participant)
Matthew Holmes (Championship Participant)
Matias LOPEZ (Championship Participant)
Luka Planinc (Championship Participant)
Daniel Rodriguez (Achieved B Cut)
Ethan Shaw (Achieved B Cut)
Cole Smith (Achieved B Cut)

Florida State
Griffin Alaniz (Championship Participant)
Izaak Bastian (Championship Participant)
Joshua Davidson (Championship Participant)
Cooper Deryk (Achieved B Cut)
Aidan Faminoff (Championship Participant)
Julio Horrego (Achieved B Cut)
Kanoa Kaleoaloha (Championship Participant)
Jakub Ksiazek (Championship Participant)
Oszkar Lavotha (Achieved B Cut)
Rudo Loock (Championship Participant)
Max McCusker (Achieved B Cut)
Emir Muratovic (Championship Participant)
William Pisani (Championship Participant)
Max Polianski (Championship Participant)
Jackson Seith (Achieved B Cut)
Vladimir STEFANIK (Championship Participant)
Ryan Telford (Achieved B Cut)
Cameron Thatcher (Zone Diving Competitor)

Florida Tech
Adi Davidov (Achieved B Cut)
Filip Dujmic (Championship Participant)
Victor Rocha Furtado (Championship Participant)
Emanuele Rossi (Championship Participant)
Dain Rust (Championship Participant)
Harry Sale (Championship Participant)

Will Combs (Zone Diving Competitor)

Franklin & Marshall
Brendan Cline (Championship Participant)
Timothy Gould (Championship Participant)
Thomas Graminski (Championship Participant)
Daniel Sanders (Championship Participant)
Chris Schiavone (Championship Participant)
Alec Wahl (Championship Participant)

Fredonia State
Christian Krasnek (Zone Diving Competitor)
Pat Mccormick (Zone Diving Competitor)

Fresno Pacific
Iskender Baslakov (Championship Participant)
Dmitry Belolipetskiy (Championship Participant)
Derek Choy (Championship Participant)
Aleksandr Ivakin (Championship Participant)
Kyle Jones (Achieved B Cut)
Christian Meyer (Achieved B Cut)

Brent Benedict (Championship Participant)
Bobby Bolmanski (Achieved B Cut)

Genesee CC
Brandon Brown (Championship Participant)
Brandon Cutter (Championship Participant)
Evan Fix (Championship Participant)
Weston Head (Championship Participant)
Ethan Heim (Championship Participant)
Ryan Mahaney (Championship Participant)
Ferran Martinez (Championship Participant)
Carlitos Sanchez (Championship Participant)
Tyler Stachowiak (Championship Participant)

George Mason
Ryan Donnelly (Achieved B Cut)
Logan Eubanks (Achieved B Cut)
Colin Graves (Zone Diving Competitor)
Gerald Hodges (Zone Diving Competitor)
Dylan Peck (Achieved B Cut)

George Washington
Andrew Cho (Achieved B Cut)
Moritz Fath (Achieved B Cut)
Josh Legge (Achieved B Cut)
Peter Nachtwey (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jake Ortiz (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emils Pone (Achieved B Cut)

Drew Carbone (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Wheeler (Achieved B Cut)

Andrew Abruzzo (Championship Participant)
Javier Acevedo (Championship Participant)
Aaron Apel (Achieved B Cut)
Edward-Christopher (Blake) Atmore (Championship Participant)
Alexander BeMiller (Championship Participant)
Aidan Burns (Championship Participant)
Jack Dalmolin (Championship Participant)
Tal Davis (Achieved B Cut)
Bradley Dunham (Achieved B Cut)
Tan Dunn (Achieved B Cut)
Luke Durocher (Achieved B Cut)
Clayton Forde (Championship Participant)
Joshua Fulcher (Achieved B Cut)
Josh Getty (Zone Diving Competitor)
James Guest (Championship Participant)
Caleb Harrington (Achieved B Cut)
Walker Higgins (Championship Participant)
Kevin Miller (Championship Participant)
Colin Monaghan (Achieved B Cut)
Camden Murphy (Championship Participant)
Grant Norgan (Achieved B Cut)
Gregory (Greg) Reed (Championship Participant)
William Rothery (Championship Participant)
Youssef Said (Achieved B Cut)
Keegan Walsh (Achieved B Cut)

Georgia Tech
Kyle Barone (Achieved B Cut)
Henry Carman (Zone Diving Competitor)
Matthew Casillas (Championship Participant)
Rodrigo Correia (Championship Participant)
Christian Ferraro (Championship Participant)
Clay Hering (Achieved B Cut)
Joonas Koski (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Kreider (Zone Diving Competitor)
Darren LIM (Championship Participant)
Nolan Mallet (Zone Diving Competitor)
Corben Miles (Championship Participant)
Gabriel Munoz (Achieved B Cut)
Caio Pumputis (Championship Participant)
Cale Russell (Achieved B Cut)
Tim Slanschek (Achieved B Cut)
Colton Williamson (Championship Participant)

Duncan Proxmire (Achieved B Cut)

Grand Canyon
Daniil Antipov (Championship Participant)
Nick Benson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kainan COERIN de Jesus (Achieved B Cut)
Florent Janin (Championship Participant)
Asahi Nagahata (Championship Participant)
Mark Nikolaev (Championship Participant)
Bogdan PLAVIN (Championship Participant)
Mazen Shoukry (Championship Participant)
Pietro Toscani (Zone Diving Competitor)

Grand Valley
Moritz Bartels (Championship Participant)
Jack Bruce (Achieved B Cut)
Noah Ellis (Achieved B Cut)
Jesse Goodyear (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Ham (Championship Participant)
Keegan Hawkins (Championship Participant)
Christopher Kelly (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Loshinskie (Achieved B Cut)
Marius Mikalauskas (Championship Participant)
Daniel Mullen (Achieved B Cut)
Ahmed Nabih (Achieved B Cut)
Oscar Saura Armengol (Championship Participant)
Harry Shalamon (Championship Participant)
Gabriel Souza (Championship Participant)
Benjamin Walling (Championship Participant)

Grove City
Calvin Brouwer (Achieved B Cut)
Dane Hoselton (Achieved B Cut)

Gustavus Adolphus
Matthew Allison (Championship Participant)
Logan Bican (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jonathan Bovee (Zone Diving Competitor)
Dutch Franko-Dynes (Championship Participant)
Nolan Larson (Championship Participant)
Joshua Muntifering (Championship Participant)
Tanner Sonnek (Championship Participant)

Daniel Chang (Championship Participant)
Alec Decaprio (Zone Diving Competitor)
Dean Farris (Championship Participant)
Austin Fields (Zone Diving Competitor)
Grant Goddard (Championship Participant)
Umitcan gures (Championship Participant)
Logan Houck (Championship Participant)
Jake Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
Raphael Marcoux (Championship Participant)
Brennan Novak (Championship Participant)
Corban Rawls (Championship Participant)
MAHLON REIHMAN (Championship Participant)
Zach Snyder (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Tran (Achieved B Cut)
Hal Watts (Zone Diving Competitor)
Michael Zarian (Championship Participant)

Franz Adam (Championship Participant)
Metin Aydin (Championship Participant)
Max Burman (Zone Diving Competitor)
Max Cadiat (Achieved B Cut)
Mateusz Chaba (Championship Participant)
Lucas Cooperman (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kane Follows (Championship Participant)
Olli Kokko (Championship Participant)
Talon Lindquist (Achieved B Cut)
Octavio Lucero (Zone Diving Competitor)
Micah Masei (Achieved B Cut)
Grant Newcombe (Zone Diving Competitor)
Josh Parmenter (Achieved B Cut)
Johan Sandell (Championship Participant)
David Springhetti (Championship Participant)
Reed Wynn (Achieved B Cut)

Henderson State
Nathan Bighetti (Championship Participant)
Leonardo Chaves (Championship Participant)
Stephen Jones (Championship Participant)
Caleb Murders (Championship Participant)
Tom Nguyen (Championship Participant)

Dan Clyde (Achieved B Cut)
Brian Simonich (Championship Participant)
Grant Williams (Zone Diving Competitor)

Illinois Chicago
Felix Lafortune (Zone Diving Competitor)
Andrew Lewarchick (Zone Diving Competitor)

Illinois College
Davide Sanna (Achieved B Cut)

Illinois Wesleyan
Mason McCauley (Achieved B Cut)

Incarnate Word
Sergio Duran Mata (Achieved B Cut)
Dawson Martinez (Zone Diving Competitor)
Timmy Newton (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hector Ruvalcaba Cruz (Achieved B Cut)

Indian River
Tucker Adams (Championship Participant)
Kevin Bargate (Championship Participant)
Jarryd BAXTER (Championship Participant)
Michael Hartshorne (Championship Participant)
Jared Ingram (Championship Participant)
Conor Lynch (Championship Participant)
Logan Malecki (Championship Participant)
Christian Nishimura (Championship Participant)
Dante Padron (Championship Participant)
Tiger (Ryan) Pilkington (Championship Participant)
Matthew Priola (Championship Participant)
Jake Servaites (Championship Participant)
Jacob Singleton (Championship Participant)
Joshua Stegen (Championship Participant)
Michael Tsiopelas (Championship Participant)
Ruben van Leeuwen (Championship Participant)
Ryen Van Wyk (Championship Participant)
Eric Veit (Championship Participant)
Olle Williamsson (Championship Participant)

Zach Apple (Championship Participant)
Zane Backes (Championship Participant)
Wilson Beckman (Achieved B Cut)
Bruno BLASKOVIC (Championship Participant)
Michael Brinegar (Championship Participant)
Brock Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Calvillo (Championship Participant)
Andrew Capobianco (Championship Participant)
James Connor (Championship Participant)
Zach Cook (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Couchon (Achieved B Cut)
Adam Destrampe (Achieved B Cut)
Griffin Eiber (Achieved B Cut)
Gabriel Fantoni (Championship Participant)
Ian Finnerty (Championship Participant)
Jack Franzman (Championship Participant)
Paul Gabhart (Achieved B Cut)
Corey Gambardella (Achieved B Cut)
Mory Gould (Championship Participant)
Brandon Hamblin (Championship Participant)
Trey Hubbuch (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Jerden (Achieved B Cut)
Jakub Karl (Achieved B Cut)
Gary Kostbade (Championship Participant)
Vinicius Lanza (Championship Participant)
Spencer Lehman (Achieved B Cut)
Van Mathias (Championship Participant)
Ben McDade (Achieved B Cut)
Josh Romany (Achieved B Cut)
Mohamed Samy (Championship Participant)
Seamus Scotty (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jacob Steele (Achieved B Cut)
Thomas Vanderbrook (Achieved B Cut)
Cole VanDevender (Zone Diving Competitor)

Victor Antonon Rodriguez (Championship Participant)
Vitor Botana (Championship Participant)
Jake Braumbaugh (Achieved B Cut)
Rodrigo Codo Berti (Championship Participant)
Thomas Leseure (Championship Participant)
Cody Liske (Championship Participant)
Ante Lucev (Championship Participant)
Antonio Milin (Championship Participant)
George Oancea (Achieved B Cut)
Benjamin Rader (Championship Participant)
Adam Rosipal (Championship Participant)
Brady Stabler (Achieved B Cut)
Payton Staman (Championship Participant)
Sebastian Wenk (Achieved B Cut)
Anthony Williamson (Achieved B Cut)
Kael Yorke (Championship Participant)
Guilherme Zavaneli (Championship Participant)
Jan Zuchowicz (Championship Participant)
Joshua Zylstra (Championship Participant)

Mateusz Arndt (Achieved B Cut)
William Brenner (Championship Participant)
Anze Fers Erzen (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Fierke (Achieved B Cut)
Steve Fiolic (Achieved B Cut)
Anton Hoherz (Championship Participant)
Kenneth Mende (Achieved B Cut)
Joe Myhre (Achieved B Cut)
Tanner Nelson (Achieved B Cut)
Jonatan Posligua (Zone Diving Competitor)
Will Scott (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Swanepoel (Achieved B Cut)
Aleksey Tarasenko (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Tenney (Achieved B Cut)

Iowa Central
Marcelo Busch (Championship Participant)
Mitchell Emery (Championship Participant)
Vincent Fletcher (Championship Participant)
Alfonso Flores Romero (Championship Participant)
Caleb Gaylor (Championship Participant)
John Gill (Championship Participant)
Emile Lützeler (Championship Participant)
Vinicius Molz (Championship Participant)
Andrew Oberg (Championship Participant)
Javier Ronda (Championship Participant)
Mariano Sosa (Championship Participant)
Zachary Strohm (Championship Participant)
Will Trunnell (Championship Participant)
Eric Wieser (Championship Participant)

Iowa Lakes
Jacob Bohnert (Championship Participant)
Juan Briseno (Championship Participant)
Gabriel Carmona (Championship Participant)
Garrett Nielson (Championship Participant)

Justin Moczynski (Championship Participant)
Stanley Zaneski (Achieved B Cut)

John Carroll
Mason Beck (Achieved B Cut)
Forrest Campbell (Championship Participant)
Jackson Cooper (Championship Participant)
Adam Lenz (Championship Participant)
Ryan Mcclelland (Zone Diving Competitor)
Matthew Ramsey (Championship Participant)
Erik Sriubas (Achieved B Cut)

Johns Hopkins
Christopher Arena (Championship Participant)
Erik Bostrom (Achieved B Cut)
Max Chen (Championship Participant)
Noah Corbitt (Championship Participant)
Nathaniel Davenport (Championship Participant)
Brandon Fabian (Championship Participant)
Noah Frassrand (Championship Participant)
Collin Hughes (Championship Participant)
Emile Kuyl (Championship Participant)
Marcelo Lauzurique (Achieved B Cut)
Peter Lazorchak (Championship Participant)
Matthew McGough (Championship Participant)
Riley Mears (Achieved B Cut)
Mitchell Simmons (Championship Participant)
Jasper Van Cauwelaert (Achieved B Cut)
Jeffrey Vitek (Championship Participant)
Dylan Wachenfeld (Championship Participant)
Michael Wohl (Achieved B Cut)

Cameron Anderson (Championship Participant)
Andrew Banks (Championship Participant)
Konstantin Byshnev (Championship Participant)
Franco Canessa (Championship Participant)
Garrett Green (Championship Participant)
Joel Hansson (Championship Participant)
Joshua Harriott (Championship Participant)
Lasse Jørgensen (Championship Participant)
Ismail Lahrichi (Championship Participant)
Matias Lazzerini (Championship Participant)
Derek Lobrutto (Championship Participant)
Lukas Macek (Championship Participant)
Marcel Nagy (Championship Participant)
Pol Roch (Championship Participant)
Andrei Stukov (Championship Participant)
Jan Suchan (Championship Participant)
Alex Torrents (Championship Participant)
Csaba Vekony (Championship Participant)

WYATT AMDOR (Championship Participant)
Kyle Barker (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Beach (Achieved B Cut)
Connor Blandford (Achieved B Cut)
Glen Brown (Championship Participant)
David Dingess (Championship Participant)
Austin Haney (Achieved B Cut)
Jason Head (Championship Participant)
Jarod Kehl (Achieved B Cut)
Chase Lane (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sebastian Masterton (Championship Participant)
John Mitchell (Championship Participant)
Daniel Orcutt (Achieved B Cut)
Hank Siefert (Achieved B Cut)
Nick Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Joshua Swart (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Taylor (Achieved B Cut)
Peter Wetzlar (Championship Participant)
Mason Wilby (Achieved B Cut)
Danny Zhang (Championship Participant)

Kieran Allsop (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Bartholomew (Championship Participant)
Benjamin Baturka (Championship Participant)
Joseph Black (Championship Participant)
Carter Brzezinski (Achieved B Cut)
Weston Carpenter (Achieved B Cut)
Fielding Fischer (Achieved B Cut)
David Fitch (Championship Participant)
Bryan Fitzgerald (Championship Participant)
Marcus Hong (Championship Participant)
Takashi Kanazawa (Achieved B Cut)
Mark Lang (Championship Participant)
Alexander Law (Achieved B Cut)
Brooks McCoy (Achieved B Cut)
Cole McMahon-Gioeli (Championship Participant)
Charles (Humphrey) Pruett (Championship Participant)
Colin Reardon (Championship Participant)
Alexander (AJ) Reid (Championship Participant)
Connor Rumpit (Championship Participant)
Ryder Sammons (Zone Diving Competitor)
Grant Thompson (Championship Participant)
Nicholas Tong (Championship Participant)
Luis Sebastian Weekes (Championship Participant)
Thomas Weiss (Championship Participant)
Robert Williams (Championship Participant)
Jonathon Zimdars (Championship Participant)

King (KY)
Simen Vik (Achieved B Cut)

Kings (PA)
Christopher Soutter (Achieved B Cut)

La Salle
Marcus Forsgren (Achieved B Cut)
Steve Stasolla (Zone Diving Competitor)
Zachary Wolbert (Achieved B Cut)

La Verne
Brandon Pon (Achieved B Cut)

Lake Forest
Heath Ogawa (Championship Participant)

Arsham Mirzaei (Achieved B Cut)

Jacob Queen (Achieved B Cut)

Guillaume Bolivard (Achieved B Cut)
Yurii KHARKO (Achieved B Cut)
Diego Saez-Illobre Molinero (Achieved B Cut)
Rhys Taylor (Achieved B Cut)

Darijus Astrauskas (Achieved B Cut)
Gerald Brown (Championship Participant)
Dylan Callaghan (Championship Participant)
Haoning Chen (Championship Participant)
Maxime Eekhof (Championship Participant)
Jan Hanzal (Championship Participant)
Daniel Jacob (Championship Participant)
Zachary Linder (Championship Participant)
Kian Quigley (Championship Participant)
Angel Regalado Santiago (Championship Participant)
Evan Root (Achieved B Cut)
Jared Thornton (Championship Participant)
Serhii Varvaruk (Achieved B Cut)
Cristian Vasquez (Championship Participant)
Isaak Webb (Championship Participant)
Justin Winnett (Championship Participant)

Santiago Baro (Championship Participant)
Badr Benassila (Championship Participant)
Volodymyr Bubenko (Championship Participant)
Ante Dany (Championship Participant)
Niels Engeln (Championship Participant)
Thomas Granet (Championship Participant)
Petro Halaichuk (Championship Participant)
Senne Janssen (Championship Participant)
Martin Le Pays Du Teilleul (Championship Participant)
Cody Liedel (Championship Participant)
Mateja Markovic (Championship Participant)
Henrique Medeiros dos Reis (Championship Participant)
Eric Romero Gomez (Championship Participant)
Pedro Salvador da Silva (Championship Participant)
Alex Wickens (Championship Participant)

Lindsey Wilson
Aleksander Olejnik (Championship Participant)
Clemens Paetzold (Championship Participant)
Michael Peck (Championship Participant)
Bryce Rice (Championship Participant)
Pedro Terra (Championship Participant)
Ron Wolfart (Championship Participant)

Noah Cutting (Championship Participant)
Matthew Lemire (Achieved B Cut)

Louisiana State
Lewis Clough (Achieved B Cut)
Juan Hernandez (Championship Participant)
Dakota Hurbis (Zone Diving Competitor)
Harrison Jones (Achieved B Cut)
Cameron Karkoska (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Klotz (Achieved B Cut)
Alarii Levreault-Lopez (Achieved B Cut)
Karl Luht (Championship Participant)
Matthew McClellan (Championship Participant)
Luca Pfyffer (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Phillip (Championship Participant)
Thomas Smith (Achieved B Cut)

Kivanc Gur (Zone Diving Competitor)
Daniel Pinto (Zone Diving Competitor)

Marcelo Acosta (Championship Participant)
Nicolas Albiero (Championship Participant)
Abel Aulbach (Achieved B Cut)
Andrej Barna (Championship Participant)
Graham Barrett (Achieved B Cut)
Tanner Cummings (Championship Participant)
Hayden Curley (Achieved B Cut)
Mihalis Deliyiannis (Championship Participant)
Keegan Foulke (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Hampel (Achieved B Cut)
Zach Harting (Championship Participant)
Jarrett Jones (Achieved B Cut)
Matyi Kovacs (Achieved B Cut)
Colton Paulson (Championship Participant)
Bartosz Piszczorowicz (Championship Participant)
T.C. Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Nikolaos SOFIANIDIS (Championship Participant)
Evgenii SOMOV (Championship Participant)
Daniel SOS (Championship Participant)
Sam Steele (Achieved B Cut)
Mitchell Whyte (Championship Participant)

Kieran Cuddy (Championship Participant)

Anjel Clemente (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jordan Spearman (Zone Diving Competitor)

Mary Washington
Noah Carpenter (Achieved B Cut)
Austin Farrar (Achieved B Cut)
Jeffrey Leckrone (Championship Participant)

Amirbek Usmanov (Achieved B Cut)

Þröstur (Throstur) Bjarnason (Championship Participant)
John Bodden (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Buijs (Championship Participant)
Noah Javens (Achieved B Cut)
Ethan Larson (Championship Participant)
Gregg Lichinsky (Championship Participant)
Matthew Meals (Championship Participant)
Matija Pucarevic (Championship Participant)
Luca Simonetti (Championship Participant)
Alexander SKINNER (Championship Participant)

Miami (FL)
Zachary Cooper (Championship Participant)
David Dinsmore (Championship Participant)
Briadam Herrera (Championship Participant)

Miami (Ohio)
Noah Barr (Achieved B Cut)
James McGuire (Achieved B Cut)
Harrison Moncino (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kayky Mota (Achieved B Cut)
Iago Moussalem (Achieved B Cut)
Gordon Wheeler (Achieved B Cut)

Mokhtar Al-yamani (Championship Participant)
Felix Auboeck (Championship Participant)
Jeremy Babinet (Championship Participant)
Andrew Babyak (Achieved B Cut)
Luiz (Gustavo) Borges (Championship Participant)
AJ Bornstein (Achieved B Cut)
Dylan Boyd (Achieved B Cut)
Jon Burkett (Achieved B Cut)
Kevin (Patrick) Callan (Championship Participant)
Christopher Canning (Zone Diving Competitor)
William Chan (Championship Participant)
Thomas Cope (Championship Participant)
Jared Daigle (Achieved B Cut)
Collin Deshaw (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jacob Herremans (Championship Participant)
Stephen Holmquist (Achieved B Cut)
Mason Hunter (Achieved B Cut)
James Jones (Championship Participant)
Alexander King (Championship Participant)
Alex Martin (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Montague (Championship Participant)
Will Roberts (Achieved B Cut)
Miles Smachlo (Championship Participant)
Charles Swanson (Championship Participant)
Ross Todd (Championship Participant)
Bora Unalmis (Achieved B Cut)
Ricardo Vargas Jacobo (Championship Participant)
Kai Williams (Achieved B Cut)
Leo Zabudkin (Achieved B Cut)
Rob Zofchak (Achieved B Cut)

Michigan State
Jakob Heberling (Zone Diving Competitor)
Austin Mills (Achieved B Cut)
Scott Piper (Achieved B Cut)
Payton Woods (Achieved B Cut)

Jarod Blazo (Championship Participant)
Sterling Burnett (Championship Participant)
Isaac Etherton (Championship Participant)
Logan Garzonio (Championship Participant)
Brock Jerpseth (Championship Participant)
Elijah Manship (Championship Participant)
Matthew McFalls (Championship Participant)
Javin Williams (Championship Participant)

Bowen Becker (Championship Participant)
Cale Berkoff (Achieved B Cut)
Aidan Dillon (Achieved B Cut)
Tom Donker (Championship Participant)
Brenner Hohenstein (Achieved B Cut)
Cameron Kelley (Achieved B Cut)
Alan LeBlang (Championship Participant)
Duncan Lester (Zone Diving Competitor)
Maxwell McHugh (Championship Participant)
Michael Messner (Achieved B Cut)
Jeremy Moser (Championship Participant)
Nick Plachinski (Achieved B Cut)
Tuomas Pokkinen (Championship Participant)
Maxim Royzen (Zone Diving Competitor)
Tim Sates (Achieved B Cut)
Nicholas Saulnier (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Thomas (Championship Participant)
Xi (Nick) Yang (Championship Participant)
Eitan Yudashkin (Championship Participant)

Nicholas Alexander (Championship Participant)
Anthony Ashley (Championship Participant)
Sam Coffman (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Dahlgren (Championship Participant)
John Dubois (Championship Participant)
Dane Florea (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Geheb (Achieved B Cut)
Kyle Goodwin (Championship Participant)
Carter Grimes (Achieved B Cut)
Giovanni Gutierrez (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Hein (Championship Participant)
Caleb Hicks (Championship Participant)
Isaac Khamis (Championship Participant)
William (Danny) Kovac (Championship Participant)
Kyle Leach (Championship Participant)
Giovanny Lima (Championship Participant)
Luke Mankus (Championship Participant)
Jordan O'Brien (Championship Participant)
Grant Reed (Championship Participant)
Caleb Rhodenbaugh (Achieved B Cut)
Griffin Schaetzle (Achieved B Cut)
Mikel Schreuders (Championship Participant)
Micah Slaton (Championship Participant)
Nick Staver (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Walton (Championship Participant)
Jacob Wielinski (Championship Participant)

Missouri S&T
Colten Becker (Championship Participant)
Christopher Betts (Championship Participant)
Jared Dachroeden (Achieved B Cut)
Marco FLORES (Championship Participant)
Dylan Friesz (Achieved B Cut)
Alexander Graham (Achieved B Cut)
Thomas Huffman (Championship Participant)
Kevin McPherson (Championship Participant)
Morgan Meyer (Championship Participant)
Tim Samuelsen (Championship Participant)
Ethan Shih (Championship Participant)
Aaron Taske (Championship Participant)
Joshua Umrysh (Championship Participant)

Missouri State
Blair Bish (Championship Participant)
Michael Claunch (Zone Diving Competitor)
Minki Kang (Achieved B Cut)
Pawel Krawczyk (Achieved B Cut)
Sebastian Odent (Achieved B Cut)
Artur Osvath (Championship Participant)
Antonio Thomas (Achieved B Cut)

Nicholas Baginski (Championship Participant)
Kyri Chen (Championship Participant)
Bouke Edskes (Championship Participant)
Alexander Ellison (Championship Participant)
Kevin Fang (Championship Participant)
Joshua Graves (Championship Participant)
Maxwell Halkenhauser (Zone Diving Competitor)
David He (Achieved B Cut)
Henry Hu (Achieved B Cut)
Jaya Kambhampaty (Achieved B Cut)
Tim Kralj (Championship Participant)
Jay Lang (Championship Participant)
Justin Liu (Championship Participant)
Brandon McKenzie (Championship Participant)
Jordan Ren (Championship Participant)
Jeremy Sands (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emilio Sison (Championship Participant)
Samuel Solomon (Championship Participant)
Connor Sweeney (Achieved B Cut)
Sam Ubellacker (Championship Participant)

Monroe Community
Tyler Bischoping (Championship Participant)
Samuel Cottrell (Championship Participant)
Sean Mahaney (Championship Participant)
Evan Napper (Championship Participant)
Zacory Roberts (Championship Participant)
Gregory Sanders (Championship Participant)
Loren Searle (Championship Participant)
Parker Stone (Championship Participant)
Cameron Wagner (Championship Participant)

Ronald Defauw (Championship Participant)
Gage Dewsbury (Championship Participant)
Lucas Farrington (Championship Participant)
Brenndan Gorski (Championship Participant)
Bryce Griffin (Championship Participant)
Kyle Gundersen (Championship Participant)
Jake Kohorst (Championship Participant)
William Salber (Championship Participant)
James Spicer (Championship Participant)
George (Jack) Weiss (Championship Participant)

Mount Union
Cole Ellsworth (Achieved B Cut)
Brett Scheib (Achieved B Cut)

Chris Bondarowicz (Achieved B Cut)
Bradley Buchter (Championship Participant)
Billy Cadigan (Achieved B Cut)
JAKE HEDRICK (Championship Participant)
Luke Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
Brayden Lauffer (Achieved B Cut)
Caleb Mauldin (Achieved B Cut)
Dean Nguyen (Achieved B Cut)
Nash Nickerson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Micah Oh (Achieved B Cut)
Tim Verby (Achieved B Cut)
Noah Vial (Achieved B Cut)
Dominick Wallace (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Waters (Achieved B Cut)
James Wilson (Achieved B Cut)

Seth Farrand (Championship Participant)
Sidney Taylor (Zone Diving Competitor)

NC State
James Brady (Zone Diving Competitor)
James Bretscher (Championship Participant)
Zachary Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Parker Campbell (Achieved B Cut)
Danny Erlenmeyer (Achieved B Cut)
Cobe Garcia (Championship Participant)
Daniel Graber (Championship Participant)
John Gray (Zone Diving Competitor)
John Healy (Achieved B Cut)
Noah Hensley (Championship Participant)
Giovanni IZZO (Championship Participant)
Jacob Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
Gil kiesler (Championship Participant)
Eric Knowles (Championship Participant)
Nyls Korstanje (Championship Participant)
Rafal Kusto (Championship Participant)
Mark McGlaughlin (Championship Participant)
John McIntyre (Championship Participant)
Jacob Molacek (Championship Participant)
Justin Ress (Championship Participant)
Tyler Rice (Achieved B Cut)
Patrik Schwarzenbach (Achieved B Cut)
Luke Sobolewski (Achieved B Cut)
Coleman Stewart (Championship Participant)
Quinlan Stuart (Achieved B Cut)
Andreas Vazaios (Championship Participant)
Curtis Wiltsey (Achieved B Cut)

New York University
Graham Chatoor (Championship Participant)
Max Falb (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jake Haines (Achieved B Cut)
Dominic Lemieux (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nianzhong Liu (Achieved B Cut)
William Looney (Achieved B Cut)
Peyton Lucas (Achieved B Cut)
Justin Lum (Championship Participant)
Elan Oumarov (Championship Participant)
Blake Rainey (Achieved B Cut)
Josh Rine (Achieved B Cut)
Cole Vertin (Zone Diving Competitor)

North Carolina
Valdas Abaliksta (Achieved B Cut)
Bryan Allen (Championship Participant)
Thomas Bretzmann (Achieved B Cut)
Greg Brocato (Achieved B Cut)
Sean Burston (Zone Diving Competitor)
Eli Coan (Achieved B Cut)
Alvin Jiang (Achieved B Cut)
Nicholas Loomis (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Owsiany (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sterling Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Christopher Thames (Achieved B Cut)

Northern Michigan
Henry Bauer (Achieved B Cut)
Lukas Bauer (Achieved B Cut)
Lajos Budai (Championship Participant)
Renars Bundzis (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Busse (Championship Participant)
Joshua Cosgrove (Achieved B Cut)
Grantas Dapkus (Achieved B Cut)
Esteban Gutierrez (Achieved B Cut)
Arnoldo Herrera (Championship Participant)
Ryan Leonard (Championship Participant)
Ben Lindberg (Achieved B Cut)
Lars Lindberg (Championship Participant)
David Miranda (Championship Participant)
Jonas Reinhold (Championship Participant)
Janne Roovers (Achieved B Cut)

Jeffrey Durmer (Achieved B Cut)
Yohan Eskrick (Zone Diving Competitor)
Liam Gately (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Gridley (Achieved B Cut)
Will Hofstadter (Achieved B Cut)
Dongjin Hwang (Achieved B Cut)
Evan Labuda (Zone Diving Competitor)
Tyler Lis (Achieved B Cut)
Ben Magliato (Zone Diving Competitor)
Manuel Martos Bacarizo (Achieved B Cut)
Colin Murphy (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Thorne (Achieved B Cut)

Notre Dame
Tabahn Afrik (Achieved B Cut)
Márton Barta (Championship Participant)
Joshua Bottelberghe (Championship Participant)
William Cumberland (Achieved B Cut)
Austin Flaute (Zone Diving Competitor)
Matt Grauslys (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Limbacher (Achieved B Cut)
Sadler McKeen (Achieved B Cut)
Max Miranda (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Montesi (Achieved B Cut)
Rex Riley (Achieved B Cut)
Brendan Santana (Achieved B Cut)
Aaron Schultz (Championship Participant)
Steven Shek (Achieved B Cut)
Zachary Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Joseph Turk (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Winton (Achieved B Cut)
Zachary Yeadon (Championship Participant)

Nova Southeastern
Bernardo Abascal (Achieved B Cut)
Aleksei Averchenko (Championship Participant)
Samuel Brettmann (Championship Participant)
Rafi Chambasian (Achieved B Cut)
Julian Coster (Championship Participant)
Alec Dawson (Championship Participant)
Lliam Dolan (Achieved B Cut)
Martin Hemminghyth (Achieved B Cut)
Spencer Hohm (Championship Participant)
Cory Klemm (Championship Participant)
Vincent Lijoi (Championship Participant)
Matteo Masiero (Championship Participant)
Magnus Poulsen (Championship Participant)
Allesandro Xella (Championship Participant)
Jonathon Yanello (Championship Participant)

Tony Eriksson (Achieved B Cut)
William Gayne (Achieved B Cut)
Paul Huch (Achieved B Cut)
Jordan Smith (Zone Diving Competitor)
Joseph Smith (Zone Diving Competitor)

Beau Brauer (Achieved B Cut)
Dion Holden (Zone Diving Competitor)

Ohio State
Matthew Abeysinghe (Championship Participant)
Carson Burt (Achieved B Cut)
Joseph Canova (Championship Participant)
Teo Chavez (Achieved B Cut)
Mossimo Chavez (Championship Participant)
Aaron Daniels-Freeman (Championship Participant)
Paul DeLakis (Championship Participant)
Alex Dillmann (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Fielding (Championship Participant)
Ruslan Gaziev (Championship Participant)
Daniel Gloude (Achieved B Cut)
Nick Hogsed (Achieved B Cut)
Connor Isings (Achieved B Cut)
Kalvin Koethke (Achieved B Cut)
Rj Kondalski (Achieved B Cut)
Christopher Law (Championship Participant)
Noah Lense (Championship Participant)
Andrew Loy (Championship Participant)
Jason Mathews (Championship Participant)
Hudson McDaniel (Achieved B Cut)
Colin McDermott (Championship Participant)
Evan McFadden (Achieved B Cut)
Henrique Painhas (Championship Participant)
Joe Pohlmann (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Salazar (Championship Participant)
Jacob Siler (Championship Participant)
Ben Sugar (Championship Participant)

Oklahoma Baptist
Alfredo Arrieche (Achieved B Cut)
Davion Conley (Championship Participant)
Drew Dickson (Achieved B Cut)
Gabriel Knaut (Championship Participant)
Alexander Leff (Achieved B Cut)
Otto Lehtonen (Championship Participant)
Robinson (Robinson Molina) Molina (Championship Participant)
Austin Saunders (Championship Participant)
Tristan Villa (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Walker (Championship Participant)
Felipe Zapata (Championship Participant)

Oklahoma Christi
Bergen Davis (Achieved B Cut)
Derek Duckworth (Achieved B Cut)
Brandon Heredia (Achieved B Cut)

Olivet Nazarene
Xavier Bordes Adell (Championship Participant)
Iran Cavalcante- Almeida (Championship Participant)
Seth Cripe (Championship Participant)
Alejandro Evreinoff (Championship Participant)
Erik Firganek (Championship Participant)
Gianfranco Lanzino (Championship Participant)
Austen Marshall (Championship Participant)

Ouachita Baptist
Noah Day (Achieved B Cut)
Alexander Podguzov (Championship Participant)

Angel Alcala (Achieved B Cut)
Mason Miller (Achieved B Cut)
Yahav Shahaff (Achieved B Cut)

Mark Andrew (Championship Participant)
Mark Blinstrub (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Bologna (Zone Diving Competitor)
Thomas Dillinger (Achieved B Cut)
John-michael Diveris (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jacob Furlong (Achieved B Cut)
Cj Hinckley (Achieved B Cut)
William Kamps (Achieved B Cut)
Sean Lee (Achieved B Cut)
Jack McCaghren (Achieved B Cut)
Will Thomas (Achieved B Cut)
Boris Yang (Achieved B Cut)

Penn State
Hector Garcia Boissier (Zone Diving Competitor)
Gabriel Castano (Championship Participant)
Jonah Cey (Zone Diving Competitor)
John Crow (Championship Participant)
Michael Daly (Championship Participant)
Robbie Dickson (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Dinunzio (Achieved B Cut)
Hector Garcia Boissier (Championship Participant)
Hayden Harlow (Achieved B Cut)
Bryce Hoch (Zone Diving Competitor)
Brad Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
William Lulek (Achieved B Cut)
Will Roberson (Achieved B Cut)
Nathan Schiffmann (Achieved B Cut)
Liam Veregin (Achieved B Cut)
Zach Zwijacz (Achieved B Cut)

Penn State Behrend
Chase Bietz (Achieved B Cut)
James Connolly (Achieved B Cut)
Mark Patterson (Achieved B Cut)

Wesley Ahart (Zone Diving Competitor)
John Fauteux (Achieved B Cut)
Samy Helmbacher (Championship Participant)
Brian Lovasik (Achieved B Cut)
Armin Remenyi (Achieved B Cut)
Aaron Sett (Achieved B Cut)
Luke Smutny (Achieved B Cut)
Blaise Vera (Championship Participant)
Eben Vorster (Achieved B Cut)
Jason Young (Achieved B Cut)

Collin Bennett (Championship Participant)
Raichel DeFreitas (Championship Participant)
Jaxon Kite (Championship Participant)
Ben Miller (Championship Participant)
Kamal Pearson (Championship Participant)

George (Will) Abele (Championship Participant)
Bilguun Altantulkhuur (Zone Diving Competitor)
Paddy Baylis (Championship Participant)
Nicholas Borowsky (Championship Participant)
Ryan Drover (Championship Participant)
Teddy Koerner (Achieved B Cut)
Nikhil Kundu (Championship Participant)
Jason Lu (Championship Participant)
Lukas (Lukas Ming) Menkhoff (Championship Participant)
Liam O'Shea (Achieved B Cut)
Archie Spindler (Championship Participant)
Jem Stern (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jack Swanson (Championship Participant)
Benjamin Willett (Zone Diving Competitor)

Daniel Arris (Achieved B Cut)
Cole Buese (Achieved B Cut)
Derek Cox (Achieved B Cut)
Christian Feiler (Achieved B Cut)
Brendan Firlie (Achieved B Cut)
Raunak Khosla (Championship Participant)
Arthur Markley (Achieved B Cut)
Murphy McQuet (Achieved B Cut)
Charlie Minns (Zone Diving Competitor)
Levy Nathan (Achieved B Cut)
Colten Young (Championship Participant)

Nikola Acin (Championship Participant)
Tim Barth (Achieved B Cut)
Nikola Bjelajac (Achieved B Cut)
James Boone (Championship Participant)
Benjamin Bramley (Championship Participant)
Joseph Cifelli (Championship Participant)
Gregory Duncan (Championship Participant)
David Forsyth (Achieved B Cut)
Gabi Gomez Treig (Achieved B Cut)
Batuhan Hakan (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Hrosik (Achieved B Cut)
Erik Juliusson (Championship Participant)
Kiki Komlenic (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Lawrence (Achieved B Cut)
Grant Lewis (Achieved B Cut)
Brandon Loschiavo (Championship Participant)
Nick McDowell (Achieved B Cut)
Trent Pellini (Championship Participant)
Brett Riley (Achieved B Cut)
Joseph Young (Championship Participant)

Queens (NC)
Daniel Balint (Achieved B Cut)
Tyler Bowersox (Achieved B Cut)
Skyler Cook-Weeks (Championship Participant)
Jan Delkeskamp (Championship Participant)
Luke Erwee (Championship Participant)
Hendrik Faber (Achieved B Cut)
Mitchell Harwood (Achieved B Cut)
Brody Heck (Championship Participant)
Mohamed HEGAZY (Championship Participant)
Jasper Jurman (Championship Participant)
Alex Kunert (Championship Participant)
Marius Kusch (Championship Participant)
Justin Lawrence (Achieved B Cut)
Baptiste Leger (Championship Participant)
Bennett Maczka (Achieved B Cut)
Myers Morgan (Achieved B Cut)
Alen Mosic (Championship Participant)
Vince Regent (Championship Participant)
Ruben Stam (Championship Participant)
Dmytro Sydorchenko (Championship Participant)
Jackson Tunks (Achieved B Cut)

Queensborough CC
Romeo Ortiz (Championship Participant)

Aaron Bauer (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Miner (Zone Diving Competitor)
Lucas Walker (Achieved B Cut)

Trevor Maxfield (Achieved B Cut)

Hayden Hill (Championship Participant)

Justin Carey (Achieved B Cut)
Vincent Gibbons (Achieved B Cut)
Luke Musselman (Achieved B Cut)
William Walles (Zone Diving Competitor)
Joseph Warker (Zone Diving Competitor)

Matthew Dineen (Zone Diving Competitor)

Stephen Savchik (Zone Diving Competitor)
Eric Weidman (Achieved B Cut)

Christian Huber (Championship Participant)
Alex Norcini (Championship Participant)

Kevin Gillooly (Championship Participant)
Matthew Grubb (Championship Participant)
Jacob Kayati (Championship Participant)
Daniel Lawton (Championship Participant)
Dylan Regan (Championship Participant)
Chad Shire (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nathan Wojtowicz (Championship Participant)
Kevin Yanagisawa (Achieved B Cut)

Saginaw Valley
Pedro Martins Rezende (Achieved B Cut)

Saint Ambrose
Victor Del Rio Foces (Championship Participant)
Justin Fales (Championship Participant)
David Hall (Championship Participant)
Kevin Krupitzer (Championship Participant)
Nathan Kuszynski (Championship Participant)
Carmelo Patti (Championship Participant)
Reece Powell (Championship Participant)
Quincy Walker (Championship Participant)
Ryan Warrick (Championship Participant)
Jonathan Whittle (Championship Participant)

Saint Bonaventure
Tjaard Krusch (Achieved B Cut)

Saint Cloud
Joel Huth (Achieved B Cut)
Hanos Mahari (Championship Participant)
Scott Stellick (Championship Participant)

Saint Lawrence
Matthew Edkins (Zone Diving Competitor)

Saint Leo
Filip Bjorkholm (Achieved B Cut)
Christian Cioffi (Achieved B Cut)
Yann Corbel (Achieved B Cut)
Henrik Dahrendorff (Championship Participant)
Matthew Daniel (Achieved B Cut)
Hampus Lovinge (Achieved B Cut)
Fridtjov Moerk (Achieved B Cut)
Matija Luka Rafaj (Championship Participant)
Michael Southward (Achieved B Cut)
Luka Vulic (Achieved B Cut)

Saint Louis
Justin Mars (Achieved B Cut)

Saint Mary (KS)
Mathew Burton (Championship Participant)
Brooks Dvorsky (Championship Participant)
Andrew Goode (Championship Participant)
Brendan Jamerson (Championship Participant)

Saint Olaf
John Loepfe (Achieved B Cut)

Saint Thomas
Adam Boerner (Achieved B Cut)
Noah Faldet (Achieved B Cut)
Samuel Serleth (Zone Diving Competitor)

Saint Vincent
Zach Baum (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Davis (Championship Participant)

San Diego State
Mitch Raihle (Zone Diving Competitor)
Joey Weber (Zone Diving Competitor)

SCAD Savannah
Eduardo Alfonso (Championship Participant)
Brogan Bunner (Championship Participant)
William (Spene) Clark (Championship Participant)
Gergely (George) Harsanyi (Championship Participant)
Irvin hoost (Championship Participant)
Samuel Kim (Championship Participant)
Nicholas (Miles) Kredich (Championship Participant)
Zoltan Monori (Championship Participant)
David (DJ) Nowacki (Championship Participant)
Tim Olbrich (Championship Participant)
Maik-Sebastian Rieffenstahl (Championship Participant)
Josh Smilie (Championship Participant)
Ryan Sweat (Championship Participant)
Ryan Trout (Championship Participant)
Gergo Zachár (Championship Participant)

Simon Fraser
Jayden Cole (Championship Participant)
Mathew Fuller (Championship Participant)
Collyn Gagne (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Hamill (Championship Participant)
Rolando Hernandez (Championship Participant)
Rafik Jiwa (Achieved B Cut)
Gabriel Lee (Championship Participant)
Antonio Marino (Championship Participant)
Kiriakos Papaggelis (Achieved B Cut)
Adrian VanderHelm (Championship Participant)
Alex Woinoski (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Woinoski (Championship Participant)
Tim Woinoski (Championship Participant)
Jimmy Zhang (Achieved B Cut)

Tanner Montagriff-Peck (Championship Participant)

South Carolina
Cody Bekemeyer (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Claus (Zone Diving Competitor)
Rafael Davila (Championship Participant)
Dylan Delaney (Championship Participant)
Anton Down Jenkins (Championship Participant)
Ben Fenwick (Achieved B Cut)
Itay Goldfaden (Championship Participant)
Lionel Khoo (Championship Participant)
Kevin Liu (Achieved B Cut)
Fynn Minuth (Championship Participant)
William Riggs (Achieved B Cut)
Justin Rose (Championship Participant)
Allen Ross (Championship Participant)
Jack Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Grant Summers (Zone Diving Competitor)
Caleb Tosh (Championship Participant)

South Dakota
Isaac Morris (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hudson Wilkerson (Zone Diving Competitor)

South Georgia
Logan Black (Championship Participant)
Jackson Bloom (Championship Participant)
Orion Bopp (Championship Participant)
Ryan Buczkowski (Championship Participant)
Kyle Cassara (Championship Participant)
Wyatt Dalton (Championship Participant)
Blaine King (Championship Participant)
Christopher Mazier (Championship Participant)
Alexander Ray (Championship Participant)
Steven Smith (Championship Participant)
Andrew Woith (Championship Participant)

Southern California
Walker Bell (Achieved B Cut)
Brad Dalrymple (Zone Diving Competitor)
Caleb Dixon (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kyle Grissom (Championship Participant)
Victor JOHANSSON (Championship Participant)
Mark Jurek (Achieved B Cut)
Owen Kao (Achieved B Cut)
Mario Koenigsperger (Championship Participant)
Nikola MILJENIC (Championship Participant)
Billy Monjay (Achieved B Cut)
Patrick Mulcare (Championship Participant)
Alexei SANCOV (Championship Participant)
Ariel Spektor (Achieved B Cut)
Alexander Valente (Championship Participant)
Carsten Vissering (Championship Participant)

Southern Connecticut
Leif Jorgensen (Zone Diving Competitor)
Leonardo Laporte (Championship Participant)
Max Padro (Achieved B Cut)

Southern Illinois
Kai Hoffmann-Dussome (Zone Diving Competitor)
Fu Kang Wong (Achieved B Cut)

Southern Methodist
Parker Hardigree (Zone Diving Competitor)
Aedan Lewis (Achieved B Cut)

Sean Andrews (Zone Diving Competitor)
Luca Brashear (Championship Participant)
Connor Pennington (Championship Participant)
Valmore Stewart (Zone Diving Competitor)

Matthew Anderson (Championship Participant)
Alex Boratto (Achieved B Cut)
Johannes Calloni (Championship Participant)
Conor Casey (Championship Participant)
Cole Cogswell (Championship Participant)
Patrick Conaton (Championship Participant)
Jon Cook (Achieved B Cut)
Glen Cowand (Achieved B Cut)
Abrahm DeVine (Championship Participant)
Ryan Dudzinski (Achieved B Cut)
Mason Gonzalez (Championship Participant)
Matthew Hirschberger (Championship Participant)
Benjamin Ho (Championship Participant)
Jack Levant (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Liang (Championship Participant)
Will Macmillan (Achieved B Cut)
David Madej (Achieved B Cut)
James Murphy (Championship Participant)
Brennan Pastorek (Championship Participant)
Mackaby Pennington (Zone Diving Competitor)
Carl (Hank) Poppe (Championship Participant)
Daniel Roy (Championship Participant)
Grant Shoults (Achieved B Cut)
TRUE Sweetser (Championship Participant)
Noah Vigran (Championship Participant)
Jack Walsh (Achieved B Cut)
Bradley Zdroik (Championship Participant)

Stevens Institute
Tyler Zanki (Championship Participant)

SUNY Brockport
Mark Eaton (Zone Diving Competitor)
Matthew Merchant (Championship Participant)

SUNY Cortland
Pat Conway (Zone Diving Competitor)

SUNY Geneseo
Matthew Mattera (Achieved B Cut)
Benjamin Wilcox (Zone Diving Competitor)
Corey Wirth (Championship Participant)

SUNY New Paltz
Barrett Celecki (Achieved B Cut)

SUNY Oswego
Cameron Ellis (Zone Diving Competitor)

Alec Lawless (Championship Participant)
Michael Lutzker (Achieved B Cut)
Alec Menzer (Achieved B Cut)
Jeremy Rockaway (Championship Participant)
Christopher Smith (Championship Participant)
Jeffrey Tse (Championship Participant)
Thomas Ward (Championship Participant)

Matthew Bell (Championship Participant)
JAMES CAMP (Championship Participant)
Noah Ferber (Championship Participant)
Grayson Goodale (Championship Participant)
Arath Hernandez (Championship Participant)
Kyiah Ingraham (Championship Participant)
Collin McGuire (Championship Participant)
Jordan McGuirk (Championship Participant)
Brett Rice (Championship Participant)
Rylan Rogers (Championship Participant)
Hunter Sherwood (Championship Participant)
Landon Stalnaker (Championship Participant)
Elliot Steward (Championship Participant)
Mason Teagle (Championship Participant)
Austin Turner (Championship Participant)
Jacob Wyer (Championship Participant)
Emerson Zaplatar (Championship Participant)

Tabor College
Jonathan Austin (Championship Participant)
Evan Bell (Championship Participant)
Nicholas Bradley (Championship Participant)
Jacob Rudolph (Championship Participant)
Danny Smith (Championship Participant)

Felix Bartels (Achieved B Cut)
Thomas Clark (Achieved B Cut)
Jared Fitzgerald (Achieved B Cut)
Cole Forbes (Achieved B Cut)
Luke Hene (Championship Participant)
Marcos Hillje-Enthoven (Achieved B Cut)
Aaron James (Championship Participant)
Forrest Lundy (Championship Participant)
Christy Moon (Achieved B Cut)
Cameron Newton (Championship Participant)
Zane Richardson (Achieved B Cut)
Andre Richardson (Championship Participant)
Brett Saunders (Championship Participant)
Austin Simpson (Achieved B Cut)
Marvin Slanschek (Championship Participant)
Yannick Smith (Championship Participant)
Nick Tinucci (Achieved B Cut)
Brian Valedon (Championship Participant)

Griffin Morgan (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Skoog (Achieved B Cut)
Jay Soukup (Zone Diving Competitor)
Andrew Thompson (Achieved B Cut)

Taylor Abbott (Achieved B Cut)
Seth Bailey (Achieved B Cut)
Ben Blevins-Boor (Achieved B Cut)
Alec Connolly (Championship Participant)
Kyle Decoursey (Championship Participant)
Jarel Dillard (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Dunphy (Championship Participant)
Matthew Garcia (Championship Participant)
William Hallam (Championship Participant)
Marc Hinawi (Achieved B Cut)
Michael HOULIE (Championship Participant)
Gleb Ionichev (Achieved B Cut)
Nathaniel Murray (Championship Participant)
Ty Powers (Achieved B Cut)
Tim Raab (Achieved B Cut)
Joey Reilman (Championship Participant)
Michael Reilman (Championship Participant)
Samuel Rice (Championship Participant)
Keegan Richardson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nicholas Rusek (Zone Diving Competitor)
Bragamoehti (Braga) Verhage (Championship Participant)
Matthew Wade (Championship Participant)
Joshua Walsh (Championship Participant)
Zhipeng Zeng (Championship Participant)

Josh Artmann (Achieved B Cut)
Luke Bowman (Achieved B Cut)
Grayson Campbell (Championship Participant)
Colter Carman (Achieved B Cut)
Arthur Cheng (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Collins (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Cornish (Championship Participant)
Aitor Fungairino (Achieved B Cut)
Francis (Townley) Haas (Championship Participant)
Ryan Harty (Championship Participant)
Maxwell Holter (Championship Participant)
Jacob Huerta (Achieved B Cut)
Tate Jackson (Championship Participant)
Austin Katz (Championship Participant)
Drew Kibler (Championship Participant)
Andrew Koustik (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Krueger (Championship Participant)
Johnthomas Larson (Achieved B Cut)
Robert Merritt (Championship Participant)
Parker Neri (Achieved B Cut)
Jeffrey Newkirk (Championship Participant)
Jeremy Nichols (Achieved B Cut)
Jason Park (Achieved B Cut)
Samuel Pomajevich (Championship Participant)
Jacob SANNEM (Championship Participant)
Charles Scheinfeld (Championship Participant)
John Shebat (Championship Participant)
Sam Stewart (Achieved B Cut)
Mason Tenney (Achieved B Cut)
Preston Varozza (Achieved B Cut)
Braden Vines (Championship Participant)
Matthew Willenbring (Championship Participant)
Jordan Windle (Championship Participant)
Chris Yeager (Championship Participant)
Alexander Zettle (Championship Participant)

Texas A&M
Timothy (Clayton) Bobo (Championship Participant)
Coco Bratanov (Championship Participant)
Shaine Casas (Championship Participant)
Austin Childs (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ethan Gogulski (Achieved B Cut)
Alberto Gomez (Achieved B Cut)
Mateo Gonzalez (Championship Participant)
Anthony Kim (Achieved B Cut)
Adam Koster (Championship Participant)
Connor Long (Achieved B Cut)
Angel Martinez (Achieved B Cut)
Jose Martinez (Championship Participant)
Kurtis Mathews (Championship Participant)
Tanner Olson (Achieved B Cut)
Steven Richardson (Championship Participant)
Felipe Rizzo (Achieved B Cut)
Jacob Schababerle (Achieved B Cut)
Mark Schnippenkoetter (Achieved B Cut)
Hudson Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Luke Stuart (Achieved B Cut)
Mark Theall (Championship Participant)
Michael Thibert (Championship Participant)
Sam Thornton (Championship Participant)
Benjamin Walker (Championship Participant)

Texas Christian
Hugh McPherson (Achieved B Cut)
Dayne Odendaal (Achieved B Cut)

Sah Ayric (Championship Participant)
Ethan Bainbridge (Championship Participant)
Kevin Bohr (Championship Participant)
Victor Dos Santos (Championship Participant)
Zachary Keating (Championship Participant)
Dorian Taylor (Championship Participant)

Miguel Angel Garcia Arroyo (Achieved B Cut)
Nickolas Jefferson (Championship Participant)

William Canny (Zone Diving Competitor)
Matthew Essing (Achieved B Cut)
Jack Saunderson (Championship Participant)

Trinity (TX)
Jacob Hurrell-Zitelman (Achieved B Cut)
Anthony Liva (Championship Participant)
Duncan Macaskill (Zone Diving Competitor)
Beau Tipton (Championship Participant)
Daniel Valmassei (Championship Participant)

Truman State
Mark Franz (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Franz (Achieved B Cut)
Lliot Gieseke (Achieved B Cut)
Samuel Heveroh (Championship Participant)
Connor Neils (Achieved B Cut)

Julian (JJ) Batt (Championship Participant)
Kingsley Bowen (Championship Participant)
Noah Cagley (Championship Participant)
Costantino (Costa) Camerano (Championship Participant)
Tommy Gillespie (Achieved B Cut)
Roger Gu (Championship Participant)
Thana Jarusinchai (Championship Participant)
Joseph Kim (Achieved B Cut)
John Koster (Championship Participant)
John Lalime (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Manfre (Championship Participant)
Nathan Mitchell (Championship Participant)
Tyler Tatro (Championship Participant)
Joseph Tingen (Championship Participant)
Lomax Turner (Championship Participant)
Victor Vollbrechthausen (Championship Participant)

UC San Diego
Marc-Olivier Caron (Achieved B Cut)
Edgar Chin (Championship Participant)
Spencer Daily (Championship Participant)
Sawyer Farmer (Championship Participant)
Derek Fordham (Achieved B Cut)
Graham Hauss (Championship Participant)
Tyler James (Championship Participant)
Hayden Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
William Knox (Championship Participant)
Ivan Kurakin (Championship Participant)
Zack Reuter (Championship Participant)
Jack Spitser (Championship Participant)
Mitchell Stoddard (Championship Participant)
Mason Thompson (Achieved B Cut)
Garrett Tse (Championship Participant)
William Wihanto (Championship Participant)
Aidan Yong (Achieved B Cut)

UC Santa Barbara
Kian Brouwer (Achieved B Cut)
Alec Cullen (Achieved B Cut)
Riley Ferguson (Achieved B Cut)
Jolen Griffin (Achieved B Cut)
Logan Hotchkiss (Championship Participant)
Joseph Lastelic (Achieved B Cut)
Lucca Martins (Achieved B Cut)
Justin Nguyen (Achieved B Cut)
Mason Tittle (Achieved B Cut)

Alexander Gliese (Achieved B Cut)
Benjamin Parker (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ilia Rattsev (Achieved B Cut)
Elijah Wright (Zone Diving Competitor)

Radoslaw Chupka (Achieved B Cut)
Aiden Clark (Achieved B Cut)
Patryk Golinski (Achieved B Cut)
Gabriel Jimenez (Achieved B Cut)
Esteban Pombo (Achieved B Cut)
Sergio Santisteban Romero (Achieved B Cut)

UNC Wilmington
Will Countie (Achieved B Cut)

Union (KY)
Grant Davies (Championship Participant)
Oeyvind Junge (Championship Participant)
Lucas Mourao (Championship Participant)
Wiktor Perkowski (Championship Participant)
Henrique Saraceni (Championship Participant)
Iyas Shivji (Championship Participant)
Andrew Smith (Championship Participant)

Union (NY)
Davis Harrington (Zone Diving Competitor)

Tazman Abramowicz (Championship Participant)
Jesse Cawley (Zone Diving Competitor)
Michal Cukanow (Achieved B Cut)
Hayden Hemmens (Achieved B Cut)
Ivan Zukov (Achieved B Cut)

Jake Menzer (Achieved B Cut)

Thomas Curry (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jack Higgins (Achieved B Cut)
John Higgins (Championship Participant)
Chris Kahl (Achieved B Cut)
Calvin Kim (Zone Diving Competitor)
Gillem Mcmillan (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nolan Monahan (Championship Participant)
Michael Moore (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Moore (Championship Participant)
Patrick Tolloti (Championship Participant)
Caelin Weaver (Championship Participant)
Jack Welch (Championship Participant)

UT Permian Basin
Nikita Naumov (Achieved B Cut)

Nicholas Becker (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Britton (Championship Participant)
Tony Chen (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jackson Cunningham (Achieved B Cut)
Rahiti De Vos (Achieved B Cut)
David Fridlander (Achieved B Cut)
Tyler Klawiter (Achieved B Cut)
Rylan Little (Zone Diving Competitor)
Justin McArthur (Championship Participant)
Colten Montgomery (Achieved B Cut)
Rodolfo MOREIRA (Championship Participant)
Liam O'Haimhirgin (Championship Participant)
Austin Phillips (Championship Participant)
Matteo Sogne (Achieved B Cut)
Clay Stoddard (Championship Participant)
Christopher Taber (Achieved B Cut)
Daniel Theriault (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ben Waterman (Achieved B Cut)

UW Eau Claire
Dylan Glumac-Berberich (Championship Participant)
Collin Miller (Championship Participant)

UW Oshkosh
Mathew Wilke (Championship Participant)

UW Stevens Point
jacob aegerter (Achieved B Cut)

UW-Stevens Point
Reilly Donnellan (Achieved B Cut)
Sam Young (Achieved B Cut)

Max White (Achieved B Cut)

Justin Cucchi (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Perra (Zone Diving Competitor)

Alex Albracht (Championship Participant)
Ryan Baker (Championship Participant)
Keefer Barnum (Championship Participant)
Brendan Casey (Championship Participant)
Joseph Clark (Championship Participant)
Walker Creedon (Championship Participant)
Zach Fong (Championship Participant)
Robby Giller (Achieved B Cut)
Justin Grender (Championship Participant)
Bryce Keblish (Championship Participant)
Gust Kouvaris (Achieved B Cut)
Samuel Magnan (Championship Participant)
Matthew Otto (Championship Participant)
Oliver Rus (Championship Participant)
Samuel Schilling (Championship Participant)
Frederick (Ted) Schubert (Championship Participant)
Ian Shelton (Championship Participant)
Casey Storch (Championship Participant)
Jacob Wells (Achieved B Cut)
George (Cooper) Wozencraft (Championship Participant)

Virginia Tech
Henry Claesson (Championship Participant)
Michael Craddock (Achieved B Cut)
Filippo Dal Maso (Achieved B Cut)
Brennen Doss (Achieved B Cut)
Thomas Hallock (Championship Participant)
David Herbert (Achieved B Cut)
Ian Ho (Championship Participant)
Antani Ivanov (Championship Participant)
Jacob Lamparella (Championship Participant)
Philip Manoff (Championship Participant)
Keith Myburgh (Achieved B Cut)
Benjamin Schiesl (Championship Participant)
Simon Shi (Achieved B Cut)
Lane Stone (Championship Participant)
Norbert Szabo (Championship Participant)
Samuel Tornqvist (Championship Participant)
Sean Workman (Achieved B Cut)
Noah Zawadzki (Championship Participant)

Aaron Embree (Zone Diving Competitor)
Patrick Holton (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hunter Jones (Achieved B Cut)
Zachary Thomas (Zone Diving Competitor)

Wash U. MO
Max Cardwell (Achieved B Cut)
Chih-Chia (Jerry) Chen (Championship Participant)
Barclay Dale (Achieved B Cut)
Simon Deshusses (Championship Participant)
Kevin Hao (Achieved B Cut)
James Hardy (Achieved B Cut)
Vincent Huang (Achieved B Cut)
Nathan Katz (Championship Participant)
Brandon Lum (Championship Participant)
Sam Mahoney (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Pek (Championship Participant)
Rick Reinhard (Championship Participant)
Johnathan Smithson (Championship Participant)
Kevin Van Cleave (Championship Participant)
Gregory (Chase) Van Patten (Championship Participant)
Jordan Wheeler (Achieved B Cut)
Peyton Wilson (Championship Participant)
Matthew Yang (Achieved B Cut)

Washington & Lee
Patrick Sullivan (Championship Participant)

Washington College (MD)
Andrew Feeley (Achieved B Cut)

Wayne State
Ahmed Ahmed (Championship Participant)
Leonardo de Oliveira (Championship Participant)
Dmytro Drobnych (Championship Participant)
Abdelrahman Hassan (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Katulski (Championship Participant)
Kyle Lovas (Achieved B Cut)
Franz Mueller (Championship Participant)
Stewart Nowinski (Championship Participant)
Rasmus Olsen (Championship Participant)
Sasha Palazzo (Championship Participant)
Joao Ribeiro (Championship Participant)

West Chester
John Barreto (Achieved B Cut)
Logan Brockway (Achieved B Cut)
Kohle Kerchner (Achieved B Cut)
Pijus Mackevicius (Championship Participant)
Dylan North (Achieved B Cut)
Collin Pettit (Achieved B Cut)

West Virginia
Jacob Armstrong (Championship Participant)
Jacob Cardinal Tremblay (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nick Cover (Zone Diving Competitor)
Tristen DiSibio (Achieved B Cut)
David Dixon (Championship Participant)
Merwane Elmerini (Achieved B Cut)
Fausto Huerta (Achieved B Cut)
Paul Lenz (Zone Diving Competitor)
Angelo Russo (Achieved B Cut)

West Virginia Tech
Marcos Damaso (Championship Participant)
Paulo Dias Ignacio Jr. (Championship Participant)
Pau Eslava (Championship Participant)
Carolus Josefina (Championship Participant)
Vinicius Kawamukai Rios (Championship Participant)
Manuel Laguna Gomez (Championship Participant)
Felipe Ruiz (Championship Participant)
Chip Sheldon (Championship Participant)

Connor May (Championship Participant)
David Peffer (Achieved B Cut)

Wheaton (IL)
William Rinne (Championship Participant)
Christopher Szymczak (Championship Participant)

Wheaton (MA)
Jacob Cost (Championship Participant)

Ryan Grady (Championship Participant)
Owen Lempert (Achieved B Cut)
Eben Schumann (Championship Participant)

Aaron Green (Championship Participant)

William & Mary
Jack Doherty (Achieved B Cut)
Carter Kale (Achieved B Cut)
Ben Skopic (Achieved B Cut)
Colin Wright (Achieved B Cut)

William Jewell
Anthony Aranda (Achieved B Cut)
Dylan Walters (Achieved B Cut)
Austin Wolfe (Achieved B Cut)

Lucca Delcompare (Championship Participant)
John Gaffney (Achieved B Cut)
Jackson Karofsky (Championship Participant)
Paul Leclerc (Achieved B Cut)
Jamie Lovette (Championship Participant)
Curtis Maher (Championship Participant)
Henry Marquardt (Championship Participant)
Jack Melnick (Achieved B Cut)
Clayton Morikawa (Achieved B Cut)
Shahzad Mumtaz (Achieved B Cut)
David Pearcy (Championship Participant)
Sean Tan (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Trunsky (Championship Participant)
Nick Whitcomb (Achieved B Cut)

Daniel Brisuda (Achieved B Cut)
Julius Ekstrand (Achieved B Cut)
Ben Evans (Achieved B Cut)
Markus Furst (Championship Participant)
David Granados (Achieved B Cut)
Felix Grieb (Achieved B Cut)
Nazarii Kosylo (Championship Participant)
Lukas Kraft (Championship Participant)
Niklas Martin (Championship Participant)
Lennart Queiss (Championship Participant)
Jonas Soerensen (Achieved B Cut)
Max Sundberg (Championship Participant)
Giacomo Viazzo (Championship Participant)

Ben Attenberger (Achieved B Cut)
Griffin Back (Achieved B Cut)
Erik Gessner (Achieved B Cut)
Ido Haber (Achieved B Cut)
Matthew Hillmer (Achieved B Cut)
Jian Mao (Championship Participant)
Michael Milinovich (Achieved B Cut)
Robert Niemann (Achieved B Cut)
Matt Novinski (Achieved B Cut)
Andrew Pearce (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kevin Pomeroy (Zone Diving Competitor)
Brayden Schachle (Zone Diving Competitor)
Justin Temprano (Achieved B Cut)
Cameron Tysoe (Championship Participant)
Tyler Zelen (Achieved B Cut)

Cameron Gelwicks (Championship Participant)
Trey Schopen (Achieved B Cut)

Worcester Polytechnic
Craig Barrett (Championship Participant)
John Bauer (Championship Participant)
Clayton Besch (Championship Participant)
David Chen (Championship Participant)
Jean - Philippe Miralda (Championship Participant)
Jackson Perry (Championship Participant)
Matthew Shriner (Achieved B Cut)

Seth Borgert (Achieved B Cut)
Liam Holt (Achieved B Cut)
Ryan Russi (Zone Diving Competitor)

Cristian Bell (Achieved B Cut)
Michael Blank (Achieved B Cut)
Christian DeVol (Zone Diving Competitor)
Patrick Frith (Achieved B Cut)
Henry Gaissert (Achieved B Cut)
Adrian Lin (Achieved B Cut)
Dorje Wu (Achieved B Cut)
Calvin Yang (Achieved B Cut)

York (PA)
Tyler Maggio (Achieved B Cut)
Keven Stahl (Championship Participant)


Jessica Bonezzi (Achieved B Cut)
Ragen Engel (Championship Participant)
Sadie Fazekas (Championship Participant)
Andrea Fischer (Achieved B Cut)
Paula Garcia (Championship Participant)
Olivia Gardner (Achieved B Cut)
Sofia Henell (Championship Participant)
Avery Movold (Achieved B Cut)
Anna (Ellie) Nebraska (Championship Participant)
Paulina Nogaj (Championship Participant)
Jackie Pash (Achieved B Cut)
Mackenzie Vargas (Achieved B Cut)
Morgan Waggoner (Achieved B Cut)
Sarah Watson (Championship Participant)

Kalia Antoniou (Championship Participant)
Caroline Beene (Championship Participant)
Halia Bower (Zone Diving Competitor)
Cameron Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Natalie Donkle (Zone Diving Competitor)
Alina Faunce (Achieved B Cut)
Sarah Helm (Championship Participant)
Leonie Kullmann (Achieved B Cut)
Morgan Liberto (Achieved B Cut)
Justine Macfarlane (Championship Participant)
Kensey McMahon (Championship Participant)
Flora MOLNAR (Championship Participant)
Emma Murray (Achieved B Cut)
Kacey Oberlander (Achieved B Cut)
Alexis Preski (Achieved B Cut)
Alexandria (Allie) Surrency (Championship Participant)
Rhyan White (Championship Participant)
Kaila Wong (Achieved B Cut)
Ayanna Woods (Zone Diving Competitor)

Oda Bygdnes (Championship Participant)
Kaia Norbye (Achieved B Cut)

Allison Dasky (Championship Participant)
Rileigh Eding (Championship Participant)
Hannah Erickson (Championship Participant)
Anna Moore (Championship Participant)
Tiara Ulieme (Championship Participant)

Victoria Cramp (Zone Diving Competitor)

Brionna Litwin (Zone Diving Competitor)
Chelsea Pietrzycki (Zone Diving Competitor)

Livia Domenig (Championship Participant)
Marie Fagan (Championship Participant)
Nina Fitzgerald (Championship Participant)
Bridgitte Kwong (Championship Participant)
Sarah McDonald (Championship Participant)
Jacqueline Palermo (Championship Participant)
Zoe Pappas (Championship Participant)
Lindsey Ruderman (Championship Participant)
Julia Ruggiero (Achieved B Cut)
Natalie Rumpelt (Championship Participant)
Ingrid Shu (Championship Participant)

Aria Bernal (Championship Participant)
Madison Blakesley (Championship Participant)
Alayna Connor (Achieved B Cut)
Hannah Cox (Championship Participant)
Kayla Filipek (Championship Participant)
Daniela Georges (Achieved B Cut)
Kirsten Jacobsen (Championship Participant)
Katrina Konopka (Championship Participant)
Mallory Korenwinder (Championship Participant)
Ayumi Macias (Championship Participant)
Taylor Nations (Achieved B Cut)
Francesca Neubauer (Achieved B Cut)
Mikayla Ranslem (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Rumrill (Championship Participant)
Delaney Schnell (Championship Participant)
Sarah Shimomura (Achieved B Cut)
Jamie Stone (Championship Participant)
Ashley Sutherland (Championship Participant)

Arizona State
Lana Berry (Achieved B Cut)
Camryn Curry (Championship Participant)
Kendall Dawson (Championship Participant)
Nora Deleske (Achieved B Cut)
Chloe Isleta (Championship Participant)
Anna Kaellgren (Championship Participant)
Silja KANSAKOSKI (Championship Participant)
Erica Laning (Championship Participant)
Alison Maillard (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ruby Martin (Achieved B Cut)
Ashley McCool (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emma Nordin (Championship Participant)
Kaya Philapil (Achieved B Cut)
Marlies Ross (Achieved B Cut)
Cierra Runge (Championship Participant)
Fanny Teijonsalo (Championship Participant)
Caitlyn Wilson (Achieved B Cut)

Maha Amer (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sydney Angell (Championship Participant)
Katelyn Applin (Zone Diving Competitor)
Andrea Bugariu (Zone Diving Competitor)
Karly Crail (Zone Diving Competitor)
Vanessa Herrmann (Achieved B Cut)
Anna Hopkin (Championship Participant)
Kobie Melton (Championship Participant)
Molly Moore (Championship Participant)
Peyton Palsha (Championship Participant)
Marlena Pigliacampi (Championship Participant)
Brooke Schultz (Championship Participant)

Lauren Carag (Achieved B Cut)
Serica Hallstead (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kara Wineinger (Achieved B Cut)

Kristen Bewley (Championship Participant)
Hope Clark (Championship Participant)
Rosie Gary (Championship Participant)
Claire Goodrum (Championship Participant)
Julia Lawson (Championship Participant)
Kristin Sauer (Championship Participant)

Allison Fitzgerald (Achieved B Cut)
Anne Guadalupi (Achieved B Cut)
Abbey Holmes (Achieved B Cut)
Morgan Nicholls (Achieved B Cut)
Shannon Quirk (Achieved B Cut)

Jaden Bellina (Achieved B Cut)
Robyn Clevenger (Championship Participant)
Carly Cummings (Championship Participant)
Erin Falconer (Championship Participant)
Claire Fisch (Championship Participant)
Jewels Harris (Championship Participant)
Emily Hetzer (Championship Participant)
Jaqueline Hippi (Achieved B Cut)
Allison Maillard (Championship Participant)
Jessica Merritt (Championship Participant)
Julie MEYNEN (Championship Participant)
Bailey Nero (Championship Participant)
Sonnele Oeztuerk (Championship Participant)
Mcauley Parker (Achieved B Cut)
Val Tarazi (Achieved B Cut)
Alyssa Tetzloff (Championship Participant)
Abi Wilder (Championship Participant)

Augustana (SD)
Taylor Beagle (Championship Participant)
Kelsey Gilbert (Achieved B Cut)
Emma Miller (Achieved B Cut)
Destini Oehlertz (Achieved B Cut)
Maddie Szeremet (Achieved B Cut)

Azusa Pacific
Elodie Poo Cheong (Championship Participant)
Elodie Poo-Cheong (Achieved B Cut)
Emily Rigsby (Achieved B Cut)
Riley Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Abby Wiet (Achieved B Cut)

Tessa Amoroso (Zone Diving Competitor)

Ball State
Rachel Bertram (Zone Diving Competitor)

Kleanza Cathers (Achieved B Cut)
Nicola Macdonald (Achieved B Cut)

Barton Community
Sara Childs (Championship Participant)
Abigail Frye (Championship Participant)
Kayla Hennan (Championship Participant)
Ashlee Henwood (Championship Participant)
Selena Howard (Championship Participant)
Caroline Noble (Championship Participant)
Paola Noriega-Rivera (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Schrock (Championship Participant)
McKayla Siemiller (Championship Participant)
Reagan Smyth (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Spitz (Championship Participant)
Sydney Williams (Championship Participant)

Caroline Apathy (Championship Participant)
Erin Bucki (Championship Participant)
Helen Daigle (Championship Participant)
Lucy Faust (Championship Participant)
Janika Ho (Championship Participant)
Hannah Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
Isabel Mohammadi-Hall (Championship Participant)
Maya Reynoso-Williams (Championship Participant)
Suzanna Ryckman (Championship Participant)
Caroline Sweeney (Championship Participant)

Kate Kaduboski (Championship Participant)

Brooke Boyd (Achieved B Cut)
Haley Brown (Championship Participant)

Ella-rayne Aguilar (Championship Participant)
Grace Felts (Championship Participant)
Camila Mass (Championship Participant)
Makenzie Norman (Championship Participant)
Jenah Park (Championship Participant)
Donisha Williams (Championship Participant)

Biola University
Katelyn Harper (Achieved B Cut)

Birmingham Southern
Rebecca Erwin (Championship Participant)
AnnaJordan Luth (Championship Participant)
Mary Ronne (Championship Participant)
Mary Stewart (Championship Participant)

Boise State
Cassidy Bose (Zone Diving Competitor)
Lucie Davis (Achieved B Cut)
Martine Erlam (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ally Kleinsorgen (Achieved B Cut)
Robin Pinger (Achieved B Cut)
Abbey Sorensen (Championship Participant)
Laura Williams (Achieved B Cut)

Boston University
Carlyn Soares (Achieved B Cut)

Amanda Banasiak (Championship Participant)
Sterling Dixon (Championship Participant)
Kathleen Kemp (Achieved B Cut)
Mary Laurita (Championship Participant)
Marshall Lowery (Championship Participant)
Rebecca Stern (Zone Diving Competitor)

Bowling Green
Talisa Lemke (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kylie Mosset (Zone Diving Competitor)
Daisy Platts (Achieved B Cut)

Nikoletta Alvanou (Championship Participant)
Haley Bartoletta (Championship Participant)
Lindsay Dowling (Championship Participant)
Bailey Ibarra (Championship Participant)
Meghan Mistric (Championship Participant)
Ashlyn Steinbach (Championship Participant)
Yanne Toussaint (Championship Participant)

Maria Rezhilo (Championship Participant)
Nina Stegu (Achieved B Cut)

Brigham Young
Kaela Call (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kennedy Cribbs (Zone Diving Competitor)
Gwen Gustafson (Achieved B Cut)
Kaylie Jackson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Adia London (Zone Diving Competitor)
Morgan Mellow (Zone Diving Competitor)
Morgan Paul (Zone Diving Competitor)
Brynn Sproul (Achieved B Cut)

Taylor Seaman (Achieved B Cut)
Andrea Wei (Achieved B Cut)

Kelci Abernethy (Zone Diving Competitor)

Julie Byrne (Achieved B Cut)

Brittney Beetcher (Achieved B Cut)
Andrea Ernst (Achieved B Cut)
Olivia Gosselin (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nicole Roitenberg (Achieved B Cut)
Olivia Sapio (Achieved B Cut)
Jae Sarkis (Zone Diving Competitor)
Anna Vitolins (Achieved B Cut)

Cal Lutheran
Grace Sanchez (Championship Participant)

Elizabeth Bailey (Achieved B Cut)
Cassidy Bayer (Championship Participant)
Amy Bilquist (Championship Participant)
Keaton Blovad (Championship Participant)
Alexa Buckley (Achieved B Cut)
Jenna Campbell (Achieved B Cut)
Sarah Darcel (Championship Participant)
Dannie Dilsaver (Achieved B Cut)
Elise Garcia (Achieved B Cut)
Alicia Harrison (Championship Participant)
Isabel Ivey (Championship Participant)
Sophie Krivokapic-Zhou (Championship Participant)
Phoebe LaMay (Championship Participant)
Aislinn Light (Achieved B Cut)
Kathryn McLaughlin (Championship Participant)
Madelyn Murphy (Championship Participant)
Courtney Mykkanen (Achieved B Cut)
Robin Neumann (Championship Participant)
Ema Rajic (Championship Participant)
Briana Thai (Zone Diving Competitor)
Abbey Weitzeil (Championship Participant)
Alicia Wilson (Championship Participant)

California (PA)
Kira Goin (Achieved B Cut)

Danica Adams (Achieved B Cut)
Krystin Brown (Zone Diving Competitor)
Brittany Percin (Championship Participant)

Hannah Chao (Championship Participant)
Valerie Edewaard (Championship Participant)
Emily Gunderson (Championship Participant)
Hannabeth Magnussen (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kendall Murphy (Championship Participant)
Alyssa Oezer (Championship Participant)
Anna Serino (Championship Participant)
Joselyn Smith (Championship Participant)

Katelyn Bouldin (Championship Participant)
Faith Hyde (Championship Participant)
Mikayla Runner (Championship Participant)
Olivia Schneider (Championship Participant)
Lauren Sears (Championship Participant)
Alexandra Upton (Championship Participant)

Kapani Kirkland (Zone Diving Competitor)
Caroline Mather (Championship Participant)
Ada Meyer (Achieved B Cut)

Carnegie Mellon
Taylor Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Kierstyn Cassidy (Achieved B Cut)
Jessica Chau (Championship Participant)
Madeline Mianzo (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emma Nicklas-morris (Championship Participant)
Lillie Widmayer (Zone Diving Competitor)

Brightyn Zuelke (Zone Diving Competitor)

Gabby Aguiar (Achieved B Cut)
Ellyse Culp (Championship Participant)
Iuliia Fomina (Achieved B Cut)
Meredith Ginn (Championship Participant)
Cecilie Jensen (Championship Participant)
Mary Northcutt (Championship Participant)
Lisa Postma (Championship Participant)
Laurel Sankowski (Championship Participant)

DeAnn Jones (Championship Participant)
Gianna Mcguire (Championship Participant)
Becca Rutkowski (Championship Participant)
Heather Walker (Championship Participant)

Case Western
Renee Decker (Championship Participant)
Suhan Mestha (Championship Participant)
Daniella Rupert (Championship Participant)
Catilyn (Caitlyn) VonFeldt (Championship Participant)

Sierra Panting (Zone Diving Competitor)

Kellyn Toole (Championship Participant)

Hadley Ackerman (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Cron (Championship Participant)
Hannah Eastman (Championship Participant)
Chloe Fong (Championship Participant)
Gillian Gagnard (Championship Participant)
Nicole Garcia (Championship Participant)
Anna Girlich (Championship Participant)
Taylor Hammill (Championship Participant)
Nicole Lin (Championship Participant)
Agnes Lo (Championship Participant)
Tyler Mandrell (Championship Participant)
Audrey Mason (Championship Participant)
Nadia Redza (Championship Participant)
Alice Saparov (Championship Participant)
Simone Stover (Championship Participant)
Daria Wick (Championship Participant)
Margaret Wolfson (Championship Participant)
Sandra Wong (Achieved B Cut)
Alice Ye (Achieved B Cut)

Lina Kutsko (Achieved B Cut)
Patricia Roscoe (Zone Diving Competitor)
Claire Schuermann (Zone Diving Competitor)

Claremont MS
Claire Bacon-Brenes (Achieved B Cut)
Jocelyn Crawford (Championship Participant)
Jacquelyn Desmond (Zone Diving Competitor)
Bryn Edwards (Championship Participant)
Leila El Masri (Championship Participant)
Riley Hoffman (Championship Participant)
Augusta Lewis (Championship Participant)
Natalia Orbach-Mandel (Championship Participant)
Ava Sealander (Championship Participant)
Emma Stacy (Championship Participant)
Mia Syme (Championship Participant)
Janet Tran (Championship Participant)
Allie UMEMOTO (Championship Participant)

Emma Kehn (Championship Participant)
Abbey Newman (Achieved B Cut)
Christina Sather (Championship Participant)

Cleveland State
Molly Mcnamara (Achieved B Cut)

Coast Guard
Emily Benson (Championship Participant)
Kristen Durham-Young (Championship Participant)
Josefina McGuire (Championship Participant)
Sarah Passilla (Championship Participant)

Addie Paige (Achieved B Cut)

Caroline Laplante (Zone Diving Competitor)

College of Saint Mary
Kirsten Aken (Championship Participant)
Emily Jacobson (Championship Participant)
Morgan Niewohner (Championship Participant)
Kailee Sunada (Championship Participant)
Emma Turner (Championship Participant)

Colorado College
Riley Wadehra (Zone Diving Competitor)

Colorado Mesa
Jordyn Beem (Achieved B Cut)
Kennedy Bright (Championship Participant)
Brittany Dixon (Championship Participant)
Sarah Fillerup (Achieved B Cut)
Sierra Forbord (Championship Participant)
Isabelle Hansson (Achieved B Cut)
Maggie Hellard (Achieved B Cut)
Danielle Jefferies (Championship Participant)
Maddie McClain (Achieved B Cut)
Grace Payton (Championship Participant)
Madison Pressler (Championship Participant)
Natalie Saul (Championship Participant)
Abigail Smith (Championship Participant)
Bella Walters (Achieved B Cut)
Samantha White (Championship Participant)

Colorado Mines
Madeleine Oakley (Achieved B Cut)
Daphne Williams (Championship Participant)
Mia Wood (Championship Participant)

Colorado State
Haley Rowley (Achieved B Cut)
Toni Thomas (Achieved B Cut)
Madison Ward (Achieved B Cut)
Skylar Williams (Zone Diving Competitor)

Mary Ashby (Achieved B Cut)
Michelle Lee (Zone Diving Competitor)
Brighida Rosendahl (Zone Diving Competitor)
Helen Wojdylo (Achieved B Cut)

Columbia College
Cassandra Adams (Championship Participant)
Marianne DeWitt (Championship Participant)
TABITHA SIMONSON (Championship Participant)
Haley Stewart (Championship Participant)

Concordia Irvine
Marleigh Aulis (Achieved B Cut)
Maddie Dodge (Achieved B Cut)
Faith Silzel (Achieved B Cut)
Katelyn Thomas (Championship Participant)

Conn College
Vaughn Ammon (Championship Participant)
Madison Ford (Championship Participant)
Olivia Haskell (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Healy (Championship Participant)
Andrea Higgins (Championship Participant)
Maeve Wilber (Championship Participant)

Erin Clifford (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kamrin Dawkins (Zone Diving Competitor)
Elizabeth Drab (Zone Diving Competitor)
Monica Marcello (Championship Participant)

Helen Hsu (Achieved B Cut)
Demetra Williams (Zone Diving Competitor)

CSU Bakersfield
Autumn D'Arcy (Achieved B Cut)

CSU East Bay
Serene Augustain (Achieved B Cut)
Vivy Hua (Achieved B Cut)
Allie Klinger (Championship Participant)
Peyton Wayment (Championship Participant)
Victoria Zukeran (Achieved B Cut)

Houston Burgoon (Championship Participant)
Nicole Ceausu (Championship Participant)
Mendy De Rooi (Championship Participant)
Amy Hedrick (Championship Participant)
Yuliia Hnidenko (Championship Participant)
Cameron Klimczak (Championship Participant)
Christina Klouda (Championship Participant)
Rebecca Loftus (Championship Participant)
Sara Overly (Championship Participant)
Kathryn Smeltzer (Championship Participant)
Leah Thomas (Championship Participant)
Casey Walin (Championship Participant)

Mia Leko (Achieved B Cut)
Mackenzie Stumpf (Achieved B Cut)

Victoria Postmus (Achieved B Cut)

Delta State
Celina Batsel (Championship Participant)
Chelsea Borrowdale (Championship Participant)
Victoria Brady (Championship Participant)
Madelyn Byrd (Championship Participant)
Rylee Daniels (Championship Participant)
Caroline Jouisse (Championship Participant)
Maddy Lavoie (Championship Participant)
Lucia Martelli (Championship Participant)
Peyton Osborn (Championship Participant)
Sierra Rhodes (Championship Participant)
Jacqueline (Celeste) Turner (Championship Participant)

Annalise Cheshire (Achieved B Cut)
Mia Chiappe (Championship Participant)
Naomi Clayton (Championship Participant)
CAROLINE COLVILLE (Championship Participant)
Spencer Crawford (Achieved B Cut)
Allison Fitzgerald (Championship Participant)
Madison Hopkins (Championship Participant)
Erica Hsu (Championship Participant)
Grace Kacmarek (Achieved B Cut)
Casey Kirby (Championship Participant)
Katherine (KT) Kustritz (Championship Participant)
Olivia Lantry (Championship Participant)
Angela Le (Championship Participant)
Kate Mesaros (Championship Participant)
Michaela Morrison (Championship Participant)
Gabriella Nutter (Championship Participant)
Hannah Rusinko (Championship Participant)
Martha Stauss (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emma Weber (Zone Diving Competitor)
Zoe Whelan (Championship Participant)
Natalie Zaravella (Championship Participant)

Kylie Cronin (Achieved B Cut)
Aysia Leckie (Achieved B Cut)
Zora Opalka (Zone Diving Competitor)
Charlotte Simon (Achieved B Cut)
Annelyse Tullier (Achieved B Cut)
Josiane Valette (Championship Participant)
Brandi Vu (Achieved B Cut)

Katherine Douglas (Zone Diving Competitor)

Olivia Lyman (Championship Participant)
Katie Schmidt (Achieved B Cut)

Dixie State
Miriam Gonzalez (Achieved B Cut)
Hannah Hansen (Achieved B Cut)
Kelsea Wright (Achieved B Cut)

Malavika Vishwanath (Achieved B Cut)

Mary Kate Caputo (Zone Diving Competitor)
Alexa Kutch (Achieved B Cut)
Gab Rudy (Achieved B Cut)

Rebecca Cross (Championship Participant)
Erica Dahlgren (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Harris (Achieved B Cut)
Chrysoula Karamanou (Achieved B Cut)
Abigail Lunzmann (Championship Participant)
Madeline Nelson (Championship Participant)
Bailee Nunn (Championship Participant)
Laura Pareja (Championship Participant)
Yasmin Preusse (Championship Participant)
Karianne Reinertsen (Championship Participant)
Tori Sopp (Championship Participant)
Ashley Sturman (Championship Participant)
Allison Weber (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Wieberg (Championship Participant)
Caytee Wright (Championship Participant)

Alexandra (Hunter) Aitchison (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (Championship Participant)
Jaina Gaudette (Championship Participant)
Madeline Hess (Championship Participant)
Shayna Hollander (Championship Participant)
Kylie Jordan (Championship Participant)
Easop Lee (Achieved B Cut)
Alyssa Marsh (Championship Participant)
Halle Morris (Championship Participant)
Carly Perri (Achieved B Cut)
Madeline Pfaff (Zone Diving Competitor)
Melissa Pish (Championship Participant)
Maddison Pullinger (Championship Participant)
Cabell Whitlow (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Willborn (Championship Participant)
Erin Winslow (Zone Diving Competitor)

Emma Brinton (Achieved B Cut)
Abby Stauffer (Achieved B Cut)

East Carolina
Mary Warker (Zone Diving Competitor)
Lily West (Achieved B Cut)
Mary White (Zone Diving Competitor)

Eastern Michigan
Bethany Berger (Zone Diving Competitor)
Delaney Duncan (Championship Participant)
Casey Gavigan (Achieved B Cut)
Gabrielle Mace (Zone Diving Competitor)
Elli Machado (Achieved B Cut)
Micaela Schempf (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nicole Swartz (Achieved B Cut)
Sophia Tsafantakis (Zone Diving Competitor)
Claire Young (Achieved B Cut)

Katelyn Kopacko (Championship Participant)
Yana Miletska (Achieved B Cut)

Natalie Hayes (Achieved B Cut)
Karolina Ostojska (Achieved B Cut)

Hannah Baratz (Championship Participant)
Eden Bates (Championship Participant)
Ashley Daniels (Championship Participant)
Lucena (Lucy) Daro (Championship Participant)
Alexandra Dixon (Championship Participant)
Julia Durmer (Championship Participant)
Gaige Elms (Championship Participant)
Lara Gemar (Championship Participant)
Clio Hancock (Championship Participant)
Anya Kone' (Achieved B Cut)
Maria Kyle (Championship Participant)
Hannah Lally (Championship Participant)
Taylor Leone (Achieved B Cut)
Fiona Muir (Championship Participant)
Caroline Olson (Championship Participant)
Lauren Salgado (Achieved B Cut)
Bethany Seagraves (Championship Participant)
Grace Snyder (Achieved B Cut)
Meg Taylor (Championship Participant)
Maria Magdalena Turcanu (Championship Participant)
Josephine Uerling (Championship Participant)
Zoe Walker (Championship Participant)

Katlyn Chwalinski (Championship Participant)
Alex Clifford (Championship Participant)
Abbie Ettinger (Championship Participant)
Haley Roblee (Championship Participant)
Stephanie Zmuda (Championship Participant)

Fairmont State
Courtney Deem (Achieved B Cut)

Fashion Institute of Technology
Alexandra Bullock (Championship Participant)
Samantha Karasinski (Championship Participant)
Margaret Murray (Championship Participant)
Lauren Parisi (Championship Participant)

Hanna Cederholm (Championship Participant)
Katy Kouvaris (Championship Participant)
Christina (Chris) McFarland (Championship Participant)
Kendra Polewski (Achieved B Cut)
Julia Snell (Achieved B Cut)
Amanda Stiegal (Championship Participant)

Taylor Ault (Championship Participant)
Emma Ball (Championship Participant)
Victoria Bindi (Championship Participant)
Layla Black (Achieved B Cut)
Leah Braswell (Championship Participant)
Hannah Burns (Championship Participant)
Kelsey Dambacher (Championship Participant)
Georgia Darwent (Achieved B Cut)
Adrianna Deboer (Achieved B Cut)
Sherridon Dressel (Championship Participant)
Savanna Faulconer (Championship Participant)
Kelly Fertel (Championship Participant)
Isabella Garofalo (Championship Participant)
Jillian Hatch (Achieved B Cut)
Gabrielle Hillis (Achieved B Cut)
Abigail Howell (Zone Diving Competitor)
Brooke Madden (Championship Participant)
Georgia Marris (Championship Participant)
Nikki Miller (Achieved B Cut)
Vanessa Pearl (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Perez (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sydney Sell (Achieved B Cut)
Lauren Snider (Zone Diving Competitor)
Teya Syskakis (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emma Whitner (Zone Diving Competitor)
Mabel Zavaros (Championship Participant)

Florida Atlantic
Malvina Catalano (Zone Diving Competitor)

Florida Gulf Coast
Christina Elmgreen (Achieved B Cut)
Cassidy Fry (Achieved B Cut)
Petra Halmai (Achieved B Cut)
Gracie Redding (Achieved B Cut)
Megan Wakefield (Zone Diving Competitor)

Florida International
Brooke Bouchard (Zone Diving Competitor)
Rachel Foord (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kaitlyn Fredericks (Zone Diving Competitor)
Maha Gouda (Championship Participant)
Sara Gyertyanffy (Achieved B Cut)
Brittany Haskell (Zone Diving Competitor)
Carita Luukkanen (Achieved B Cut)
Oceane Peretti (Achieved B Cut)
Naomi Ruele (Championship Participant)
Holly Shepherd (Achieved B Cut)

Florida Southern
Haley DeGrace (Championship Participant)
Mari Di Bella (Achieved B Cut)
Beka Dics (Achieved B Cut)
Kyra Fraser (Championship Participant)
Krystal Karas (Championship Participant)
Mallary Meyer (Championship Participant)
Katie Moore (Championship Participant)
Malin Wallen (Championship Participant)

Florida State
Kertu Ly Alnek (Championship Participant)
Ayla Bonniwell (Championship Participant)
Molly Carlson (Championship Participant)
Madeline Cohen (Achieved B Cut)
Ida Hulkko (Championship Participant)
Laura Jensen (Achieved B Cut)
Leila Johnston (Championship Participant)
Nina Kucheran (Championship Participant)
Madeleine McDonald (Championship Participant)
Elise Olsen (Achieved B Cut)
Natalie Purnell (Achieved B Cut)
Paige Schendelaar-Kemp (Achieved B Cut)
Emma Terebo (Championship Participant)
Hannah Womer (Achieved B Cut)

Florida Tech
Savannah Brennan (Championship Participant)
Val Carvajal (Achieved B Cut)
Carter Juskevich (Achieved B Cut)
Nicole RAUTEMBERG (Achieved B Cut)

Tara Brunner (Achieved B Cut)
Molly Dunn (Zone Diving Competitor)
Milly Furneaux (Achieved B Cut)

Lexi Blackburn (Zone Diving Competitor)
Courtnee Coffman (Championship Participant)
Jessica Halsmer (Championship Participant)
Jacqueline Richard (Championship Participant)
Brynna Sentel (Championship Participant)
Ashley Snoke (Championship Participant)

Fresno Pacific
Morgan Coddington (Achieved B Cut)
Arianne Kooijinga (Achieved B Cut)
Luisa Roderweis (Championship Participant)
Olga Tovstogan (Championship Participant)

Fresno State
Kimberly Harbert (Achieved B Cut)
Ugne Mazutaityte (Achieved B Cut)
Manuela Mendolicchio (Achieved B Cut)
Zofi Niemczak (Achieved B Cut)
Irina Nikolaeva (Zone Diving Competitor)

Silvija Taraska (Achieved B Cut)

Genesee CC
Natalie Amico (Championship Participant)
Ana Ceraz (Championship Participant)
Rayelle Merrell (Championship Participant)
Libby Richardson (Championship Participant)

George Mason
Marina Toone (Zone Diving Competitor)

George Washington
Jackie Torrez (Achieved B Cut)

Katherine Aikins (Championship Participant)
Olivia Anderson (Achieved B Cut)
Mckensi Austin (Championship Participant)
Donna Blaum (Achieved B Cut)
Portia Del Rio Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Sammie Burchill (Achieved B Cut)
Veronica Burchill (Championship Participant)
Sophia Carnevale (Championship Participant)
Olivia Carter (Championship Participant)
Caitlin Casazza (Championship Participant)
Danielle Della Torre (Championship Participant)
Callie Dickinson (Championship Participant)
Gabrielle FA'AMAUSILI (Championship Participant)
Lexi Glunn (Achieved B Cut)
Courtney Harnish (Championship Participant)
Madison Homovich (Championship Participant)
Kelliann Howell (Zone Diving Competitor)
Freida Lim (Championship Participant)
Dakota Luther (Championship Participant)
Meryn MCCANN (Championship Participant)
Sandra Scott (Achieved B Cut)
Jordan Stout (Championship Participant)

Georgia Tech
Kelsey Dekshenieks (Zone Diving Competitor)
Caroline Doi (Zone Diving Competitor)
Paige Gohr (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kristen Hepler (Achieved B Cut)
Camryn Hidalgo (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emily Ilgenfritz (Achieved B Cut)
Morgan Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
Allie Paschal (Achieved B Cut)
Iris Wang (Achieved B Cut)

Grand Canyon
Menna Elmidany (Zone Diving Competitor)

Grand Valley
Caroline Brereton (Achieved B Cut)
Melina De Cort (Championship Participant)
Lara Deibel (Championship Participant)
Melina Goebel (Championship Participant)
Celia Hoag (Championship Participant)
Mikayla Karasek (Championship Participant)
Samantha Laurich (Championship Participant)
Mercedes Martinez (Championship Participant)
Hannah Richard (Championship Participant)
Abigail Sauerbrei (Achieved B Cut)
Megan Shaughnessy (Achieved B Cut)

Celeste Kaspar (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sophia Wojdylo (Championship Participant)

Grove City
Anne Dassow (Championship Participant)
Reilly Diggins (Zone Diving Competitor)

Gustavus Adolphus
Hailey Auran (Achieved B Cut)
Sophia Steinberg (Zone Diving Competitor)
Margaret Webster (Championship Participant)

Mei Lynn Colby (Achieved B Cut)
Mikaela Dahlke (Championship Participant)
Morgane Herculano (Zone Diving Competitor)
Esther Lawrence (Championship Participant)
Georgina Milne (Championship Participant)
Helena Moreno Hernandez (Achieved B Cut)
Michelle Owens (Achieved B Cut)
Marcella Ruppert-Gomez (Achieved B Cut)
Katie Russ (Zone Diving Competitor)
Samantha Shelton (Championship Participant)
Mikaela Thompson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Brittany Usinger (Achieved B Cut)
Sonia Wang (Achieved B Cut)
Jaycee Yegher (Achieved B Cut)

Kionna Clayton (Achieved B Cut)
Monica Gavaris (Zone Diving Competitor)
Karolina HAJKOVA (Championship Participant)
Bryndis Hansen (Achieved B Cut)
Phoebe Hines (Championship Participant)
Ivy Houser (Championship Participant)
Anna Kotonen (Achieved B Cut)
Lucia Lassman (Achieved B Cut)
Victoria Moretti (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kasey Schmidt (Achieved B Cut)
Jami Stone (Zone Diving Competitor)

Henderson State
Elam Fulton (Achieved B Cut)
Elza Kachlishvili (Achieved B Cut)
Lindsey Lucas (Achieved B Cut)

Herkimer County CC
Hong Dang (Championship Participant)
Amanda Mascia (Championship Participant)

Anika Ellingson (Championship Participant)
Katherine Heeres (Achieved B Cut)

Alli Eppinga (Achieved B Cut)
Meghan Peel (Championship Participant)
Sara Plohetski (Zone Diving Competitor)

Rebecca Brandt (Achieved B Cut)
Zarena Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Lauren Burrell (Zone Diving Competitor)
Katie Deininger (Zone Diving Competitor)
Gaby Jimenez Peon (Achieved B Cut)
Peyton Kondis (Championship Participant)
Eleanna Koutsouveli (Achieved B Cut)
Laura Laderoute (Achieved B Cut)
Mykenzie Leehy (Achieved B Cut)
Angela Mavrantza (Achieved B Cut)
Monique Rae (Achieved B Cut)
Makayla Wallar (Zone Diving Competitor)

Christian Nicolas (Zone Diving Competitor)

Virginia Anne Dundon (Achieved B Cut)

Heather Carbon (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nikki Imanaka (Zone Diving Competitor)
Janelle Lucas (Zone Diving Competitor)

Madeline Kuhn (Championship Participant)
Taylor Shegos (Zone Diving Competitor)

Illinois Chicago
Cydney Liebenberg (Zone Diving Competitor)

Illinois State
Caroline Lecoeur (Zone Diving Competitor)

Illinois Wesleyan
Lisa Cheng (Championship Participant)
Ellen Gilbert (Championship Participant)
Lucy Saucedo (Championship Participant)
Megan Wong (Championship Participant)

Incarnate Word
Ana Lucia Garza (Zone Diving Competitor)

Indian River
Savanna Best (Championship Participant)
Emma Colvin (Championship Participant)
Jillian Contich (Championship Participant)
Kasey Crooks (Championship Participant)
Sophia Diagne (Championship Participant)
Kenzy Green (Championship Participant)
Camryn Hudson (Championship Participant)
Coyunna (Coy) Jones (Championship Participant)
Elianna Kennon (Championship Participant)
Molly Layde (Championship Participant)
Charlise Oberholzer (Championship Participant)
Alexandra Perez (Championship Participant)
Adriana Rodriguez (Championship Participant)
Courtney Sapp (Championship Participant)
Rachel Singleton (Championship Participant)
Gabriella Tolento (Championship Participant)
Sule Van Der Merwe (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Watts (Championship Participant)
Camryn Wheals (Championship Participant)

Bailey Andison (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Atencio (Achieved B Cut)
Taylor Carter (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ileah Doctor (Achieved B Cut)
Laurel Eiber (Championship Participant)
Josephine Grote (Championship Participant)
Grace Haskett (Achieved B Cut)
Hope Hayward (Achieved B Cut)
Maria Paula Heitmann (Achieved B Cut)
Christine Jensen (Championship Participant)
Cassandra Jernberg (Championship Participant)
Lillia King (Championship Participant)
Abby Kirkpatrick (Championship Participant)
Shelby Koontz (Championship Participant)
Bailey Kovac (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Looze (Championship Participant)
Laura Morley (Championship Participant)
Jessica Parratto (Championship Participant)
Noelle Peplowski (Championship Participant)
Christin Rockway (Championship Participant)
Morgan Scott (Championship Participant)
Maggie Wallace (Championship Participant)
Alyssa Wang (Zone Diving Competitor)
Julia Wolf (Championship Participant)

Indiana (PA)
Regan Chalk (Championship Participant)
Jessica Cochran (Championship Participant)
Rachel Johnson (Championship Participant)
Paige McCullough (Achieved B Cut)
CLAIRE MIKESELL (Championship Participant)
PAIGE MIKESELL (Championship Participant)
Nicole Smith (Championship Participant)
Fiona Vashaw (Championship Participant)

Indiana Wesleyan
Sydney Darnell (Championship Participant)
Whitley Eicher (Championship Participant)
Linnea Holmgren (Championship Participant)
Alexa Milholland (Championship Participant)
Emma Travis (Championship Participant)
Kamryn Vanwanzeele (Championship Participant)
Natalie Vasilakos (Championship Participant)
Madison Wickholm (Championship Participant)

Melanie Arnold (Championship Participant)
Laura Boardman (Championship Participant)
Johanna Buys (Achieved B Cut)
Krystal Caylor (Championship Participant)
Isabelle Clark (Championship Participant)
Stefanie Haholiades (Championship Participant)
Alaina Joyce (Championship Participant)
Cassandra Kury (Championship Participant)
Maddisen Lantz (Championship Participant)
Darian Murray (Championship Participant)
Alexandra SHATSKIKH (Championship Participant)
Sloan Sizemore (Achieved B Cut)
Edda Skoric (Championship Participant)
Katelynn Thomas (Achieved B Cut)
Kirsten Votava (Championship Participant)
Danielle Wood (Championship Participant)

Hannah Burvill (Championship Participant)
Kelsey Drake (Achieved B Cut)
Allyssa Fluit (Achieved B Cut)
Jolynn Harris (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jayah Mathews (Championship Participant)
Kelly McNamara (Achieved B Cut)
Claire Park (Zone Diving Competitor)
Thelma Strandberg (Zone Diving Competitor)
Samantha Tamborski (Championship Participant)
Jacintha Thomas (Zone Diving Competitor)

Iowa Central
Emilie Andrin (Championship Participant)
Ashleigh Beacham (Championship Participant)
Zoe Beals (Championship Participant)
Eve Berg (Championship Participant)
Blaire Collett (Championship Participant)
Maria Diaz (Championship Participant)
Aubrey Hala (Championship Participant)
Mary Marshall (Championship Participant)
Paula Ronda (Championship Participant)

Iowa Lakes
Ashley Commens (Championship Participant)
Lizandri Crewe-brown (Championship Participant)
Gabriela Reis (Championship Participant)
Maria valentin (Championship Participant)
Juliana Villa Rodriguez (Championship Participant)

Iowa State
Dana Liva (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sydney Ronald (Zone Diving Competitor)

Anna Belson (Championship Participant)
Jocelyn Pawcio (Championship Participant)

James Madison
Faith Anderson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Lenora Byrum (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emily Gross (Zone Diving Competitor)
Julianna Jones (Achieved B Cut)
Sarah Stim (Zone Diving Competitor)
Bonnie Zhang (Championship Participant)

John Carroll
Gwyneth Ledrick (Championship Participant)

Johns Hopkins
Kristen Alicea-Jorgensen (Championship Participant)
Mikayla Bisignaini (Championship Participant)
Mikayla Bisignani (Championship Participant)
Sophia Girgenti (Championship Participant)
Carmela Irato (Championship Participant)
Sonia Lin (Championship Participant)
Elaine Lipkin (Championship Participant)
Emma Mcelrath (Championship Participant)
Sydney Okubo (Championship Participant)
Kristen Petersen (Championship Participant)
Natalia Rincon (Championship Participant)
Alison Shapiro (Championship Participant)
Rebecca Ssengonzi (Championship Participant)
Michelle Wang (Championship Participant)

Nicole Bailey (Championship Participant)
Madeline Jump (Zone Diving Competitor)

Elizabeth Amato-Hanner (Achieved B Cut)
Crissie Blomquist (Achieved B Cut)
Peri Charapich (Zone Diving Competitor)
Haley Downey (Achieved B Cut)
Manon Manning (Achieved B Cut)
Jenny Nusbaum (Achieved B Cut)
Kate Steward (Achieved B Cut)
Zhihuan (Vicky) Xu (Championship Participant)

Meagan Abad (Championship Participant)
Emma Augustsson (Championship Participant)
Kodi Cabral (Championship Participant)
Ori Freibach (Championship Participant)
Kamryn Gallowich (Championship Participant)
Anna Herbst (Championship Participant)
Varvara Klyueva (Championship Participant)
Lydia Kontinopoulou (Championship Participant)
Gaja Kristan (Championship Participant)
Anna Lofton (Championship Participant)
Hadassah Morales (Championship Participant)
Stefania Sofouli (Championship Participant)
Amanda Stromberg (Championship Participant)
Annamaria Zombai (Championship Participant)

Bailey Bonnett (Championship Participant)
Kayla Churman (Achieved B Cut)
Courtney Clark (Championship Participant)
Savannah Dupuis (Achieved B Cut)
Lauren Edelman (Achieved B Cut)
Kailey Francetic (Zone Diving Competitor)
Geena Freriks (Championship Participant)
Riley Gaines (Championship Participant)
Alex (Ali) Galyer (Championship Participant)
Isabella Gati (Championship Participant)
Jaclyn Hill (Achieved B Cut)
Jaclyn Hilll (Championship Participant)
Paige Kelly (Championship Participant)
Kyndal Knight (Championship Participant)
Haley McInerny (Championship Participant)
Payton Neff (Championship Participant)
Kathryn Painter (Championship Participant)
Asia Seidt (Championship Participant)
Sophia Sorenson (Championship Participant)
Meredith Whisenhunt (Achieved B Cut)
Madison Winstead (Championship Participant)

Delaney Ambrosen (Championship Participant)
Gail Anderson (Championship Participant)
Madeline Carlson (Championship Participant)
Caitlin Foley (Championship Participant)
Celina German (Championship Participant)
Kaitlyn Griffith (Championship Participant)
Caylee Hamilton (Championship Participant)
Crile Hart (Championship Participant)
Makena Markert (Championship Participant)
Emmerson Mirus (Championship Participant)
Claire Murray (Achieved B Cut)
Hannah Orbach-Mandel (Championship Participant)
Micah Otazu (Championship Participant)
Andrea Perttula (Championship Participant)
Racine Ross (Championship Participant)
Zoe Toscos (Achieved B Cut)
Kendall Vanderhoof (Championship Participant)
Alexis Vetrano (Championship Participant)
Scout Wilkins (Achieved B Cut)
Abigail Wilson (Championship Participant)

La Salle
Phoebe Shaya (Zone Diving Competitor)

Madeline Smith (Zone Diving Competitor)

Megan Fennell (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ann Foley (Achieved B Cut)

Ebony McCray (Achieved B Cut)
Stephanie Palczynski (Championship Participant)

Lauren Chennault (Zone Diving Competitor)
Abigail Egolf-Jensen (Zone Diving Competitor)
Alicia Finnigan (Achieved B Cut)
Mikayla Herich (Achieved B Cut)
Payton Keiner (Achieved B Cut)
Gianni Pitto (Achieved B Cut)
Olivia Robinson (Zone Diving Competitor)

Simone de Rijcke (Championship Participant)
Morgan Fischer (Championship Participant)
Erika Garcia (Achieved B Cut)
Jana Hellenschmidt (Championship Participant)
Ashley Holloway (Championship Participant)
Kamila Kunka (Championship Participant)
Mckenzie Murphy (Achieved B Cut)
Shelby Quinn (Championship Participant)
Erin Sutton (Championship Participant)
Aleksandra Tomala (Championship Participant)
Madeline Webb (Championship Participant)
Katie Werkema (Championship Participant)
Lexie Winnett (Championship Participant)

Maelle Beslic (Championship Participant)
Amelie Essmann (Championship Participant)
Alina Geck (Championship Participant)
Marie-Christine Geck (Championship Participant)
Anna Martens (Championship Participant)
Chelsea Merfol (Championship Participant)

Lindsey Wilson
Sarah Hahn (Championship Participant)
Jessica Macdonald (Championship Participant)
Emma Phillips (Championship Participant)
Bailey Seitz (Championship Participant)
Sloane Smith (Championship Participant)
Carlene Taylor (Championship Participant)
Emily Wood (Championship Participant)

Evette Dow (Achieved B Cut)
Molli Hartzell (Achieved B Cut)
Vianka Hoyer (Championship Participant)

LIU Post
Karis Fuller (Championship Participant)

Mikaela Lengwin (Championship Participant)

Louisiana State
Ellie Baldwin (Achieved B Cut)
Jolie Blodgett (Zone Diving Competitor)
Elizabeth Cui (Championship Participant)
Helen Grossman (Achieved B Cut)
Alexandria Ham (Achieved B Cut)
Cassie Kalisz (Achieved B Cut)
Haylee Knight (Championship Participant)
Olivia Paskulin (Achieved B Cut)
Gabrielle Pick (Achieved B Cut)
Nicole Rozier (Achieved B Cut)
Summer Spradley (Championship Participant)
Brittany Thompson (Achieved B Cut)
Aimee Wilson (Championship Participant)
Kate Zimmer (Achieved B Cut)

Anika Holland (Zone Diving Competitor)
Brianna Price (Zone Diving Competitor)

Caitlin Ahern (Championship Participant)
Mariia ASTASHKINA (Championship Participant)
Avery Braunecker (Championship Participant)
Sophie Cattermole (Championship Participant)
Mallory Comerford (Championship Participant)
Diana Dunn (Championship Participant)
Casey Fanz (Championship Participant)
Molly Fears (Championship Participant)
Morgan Friesen (Championship Participant)
Nastja Govejsek (Achieved B Cut)
Lauren James (Achieved B Cut)
Alina Kendzior (Championship Participant)
Alena Kraus (Championship Participant)
Carley Lowe (Achieved B Cut)
Grace Oglesby (Championship Participant)
Arina OPENYSHEVA (Championship Participant)
Ashlyn Schoof (Achieved B Cut)
Katie Schorr (Achieved B Cut)
Annette Schultz (Achieved B Cut)
Michaela Sliney (Championship Participant)
Maria Sumida (Championship Participant)
Sofie Underdahl (Achieved B Cut)
Jillian (Lainey) Visscher (Championship Participant)
Kaylee Wheeler (Championship Participant)

Laia Coma (Championship Participant)
Catalina Galea Berraud (Championship Participant)
Sarah Hughes (Championship Participant)
Samar Khacha (Championship Participant)
Clara Monges (Championship Participant)
Karolina Smylek (Championship Participant)

Juliana McDonald (Achieved B Cut)

Esabelle Gervasio (Zone Diving Competitor)

Catherine Bendziewicz (Achieved B Cut)
Madison Young (Zone Diving Competitor)

Mary Washington
Claudia Keller (Achieved B Cut)

Ansley Baker (Achieved B Cut)
Maja Boric (Championship Participant)
Katie Polk (Zone Diving Competitor)

Caroline Barnett (Championship Participant)
Faith Cancik (Championship Participant)
Heidi Larsen (Championship Participant)
Alisal Perez (Championship Participant)
Journey Werner (Championship Participant)
Simone Williams (Championship Participant)

Hallie Dixon (Achieved B Cut)
Meredith Geyer (Championship Participant)
Haley Rey (Championship Participant)
Sydney Rey (Championship Participant)
Victoria Sananikone (Championship Participant)
Milica Sostarec (Achieved B Cut)

Kaylee Hollenbach (Achieved B Cut)

Miami (FL)
Alicia Blagg (Championship Participant)
Millie Haffety (Zone Diving Competitor)
Zorry Mason (Achieved B Cut)
Alaina Skellett (Achieved B Cut)

Miami (Ohio)
Beatriz Pimentel Dizotti (Achieved B Cut)
Maddie Folta (Zone Diving Competitor)
Izzy Herb (Achieved B Cut)
Camila Lins de Mello (Achieved B Cut)
Ella Moynihan (Achieved B Cut)
Amy Plocharczyk (Zone Diving Competitor)

Rose Bi (Championship Participant)
Nikki Canale (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emma Cleason (Achieved B Cut)
Christy Cutshaw (Championship Participant)
Catherine DeLoof (Championship Participant)
Taylor Garcia (Championship Participant)
Siobhan Haughey (Championship Participant)
Chloe Hicks (Championship Participant)
Allie Klein (Zone Diving Competitor)
Vanessa Krause (Championship Participant)
Kate Krolikowski (Achieved B Cut)
Victoria Kwan (Achieved B Cut)
Maggie MacNeil (Championship Participant)
Alexis Margett (Achieved B Cut)
Camryn McPherson (Championship Participant)
Rebecca Postoll (Championship Participant)
Daria Pyshnenko (Championship Participant)
Margaret Rogers (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jacqui Schafer (Achieved B Cut)
Sierra Schmidt (Championship Participant)
Miranda Tucker (Championship Participant)
Jamie Zhen Yeung (Championship Participant)

Michigan State
Erin Neely (Zone Diving Competitor)
Julia Oppedisano (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ellie Roche (Achieved B Cut)
Ana Sortland (Achieved B Cut)
Erin Szara (Achieved B Cut)
Morgan Wellenzohn (Zone Diving Competitor)

Frances Vandermeer (Achieved B Cut)

Jordan Clark (Championship Participant)
Sara Farmer (Championship Participant)
Lindsey Grow (Championship Participant)
Margaret Halloran (Championship Participant)
Anna Hathcock (Championship Participant)
Maci Montgomery (Championship Participant)
Kaylee Propst (Championship Participant)
Anna Whitfield (Championship Participant)

Zoe Avestruz (Championship Participant)
Sarah Bacon (Championship Participant)
Emily Cook (Championship Participant)
Abbey Erwin (Achieved B Cut)
Xiao Fu (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kristen Hayden (Championship Participant)
Morgan Justus (Zone Diving Competitor)
Mariam Khamis (Zone Diving Competitor)
Abigail Kilgallon (Achieved B Cut)
Lindsey Kozelsky (Championship Participant)
Kelli McCarthy (Achieved B Cut)
Rachel Munson (Championship Participant)
Chantal Nack (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Padington (Championship Participant)
Kate Sullivan (Championship Participant)
Tevyn Waddell (Championship Participant)

Nikki Ault (Achieved B Cut)
Lily Borgenheimer (Championship Participant)
Anja Enervold (Championship Participant)
Margaret Knier (Championship Participant)
Kelly Leonard (Achieved B Cut)
Kayla Rinderknecht (Achieved B Cut)
Kathryn Streiff (Championship Participant)

Breah Anderson (Championship Participant)
Taylor Beynon (Achieved B Cut)
Katelin Winter (Achieved B Cut)

Amber Brickey (Zone Diving Competitor)
Tally Brown (Zone Diving Competitor)
Payton Conrad (Championship Participant)
Kylie Dahlgren (Championship Participant)
Courtney Evensen (Championship Participant)
Molly Gowans (Achieved B Cut)
Audrey Guyett (Achieved B Cut)
Haley Hynes (Championship Participant)
Iliana Jones (Achieved B Cut)
Kayla Jones (Championship Participant)
Megan Keil (Championship Participant)
Jennifer King (Championship Participant)
Annie Ochitwa (Championship Participant)
Sammie Jo Porter (Championship Participant)
Sarah Rousseau (Zone Diving Competitor)
Lauren Savoy (Achieved B Cut)
Amanda Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Emily Snyder (Championship Participant)
Devan Sweeney (Achieved B Cut)
Sarah Thompson (Championship Participant)

Missouri State
Liberty Howell (Achieved B Cut)
Josie Pearson (Achieved B Cut)
Ashley Yarbrough (Zone Diving Competitor)

Kailey Allen (Championship Participant)
Lindsey Bjornstad (Championship Participant)
Shannon Hagmaier (Championship Participant)
Lara Ketonen (Championship Participant)
Hannah Mahaffey (Championship Participant)
Morgan Matranga (Championship Participant)
Olivia McGrath (Championship Participant)
Sara Nicholas (Championship Participant)
Madelyn (Dolly) Payne (Championship Participant)
Laura Rosado (Championship Participant)
Lilia Staszel (Championship Participant)
Deborah Wen (Championship Participant)
Jennifer Yu (Championship Participant)
Vivian (Blake) Zhou (Championship Participant)

Monroe Community
Kamryn Cook (Championship Participant)
Emily DeClerck (Championship Participant)
Violet Hess (Championship Participant)
Samantha Pratt (Championship Participant)
Katarina Sherry (Championship Participant)

Montclair State
Grace Nielsen (Zone Diving Competitor)

Lauryn Baehr (Championship Participant)
Emma Hansen (Championship Participant)
Jaymie Huff (Championship Participant)
Jessyca Huff (Championship Participant)
Carly Johnson (Championship Participant)
Samantha Masid (Championship Participant)
Veronica Mullen (Championship Participant)
Grace Nordquist (Championship Participant)
Teresa Renze (Championship Participant)
Megan Ukena (Championship Participant)
Alisia Woodward (Championship Participant)

Mount Holyoke
Katherine Kolozsvari (Zone Diving Competitor)
Samantha Nemivant (Zone Diving Competitor)

Lauren Barber (Championship Participant)
Meghan Gerdes (Championship Participant)
Sydney Harrington (Achieved B Cut)
Kelly Huffer (Achieved B Cut)
Jamie Miller (Achieved B Cut)
Hannah Montau (Championship Participant)
Erin Scudder (Achieved B Cut)
Martina Thomas (Championship Participant)
Delaney Walz (Achieved B Cut)

Allie Norwood (Championship Participant)
Taylor Robey (Championship Participant)
Taylor Woltz (Zone Diving Competitor)

NC State
Kylee Alons (Championship Participant)
Taylor Bennett (Zone Diving Competitor)
Olivia Calegan (Championship Participant)
Summer Finke (Achieved B Cut)
Ariel Finke (Championship Participant)
Olivia Fisher (Championship Participant)
Mackenzie Glover (Championship Participant)
Elise Haan (Championship Participant)
Sophie Hansson (Championship Participant)
Tamila Hryhorivna Holub (Championship Participant)
Jessica Horomanski (Achieved B Cut)
Danika Huizinga (Achieved B Cut)
Anna Jahns (Championship Participant)
Shannon Kearney (Achieved B Cut)
Madeline Kline (Zone Diving Competitor)
Lexie Lupton (Achieved B Cut)
Rozhina McClanahan (Achieved B Cut)
Katherine Moore (Championship Participant)
Lindsay Morrow (Achieved B Cut)
Emma Muzzy (Championship Participant)
Ky-lee Perry (Championship Participant)
Julia Poole (Championship Participant)
Sirena Rowe (Championship Participant)
Makayla Sargent (Championship Participant)
Anna Shumate (Achieved B Cut)

Tori Beeler (Achieved B Cut)
Maddie Coughlen (Achieved B Cut)
Autumn Haebig (Achieved B Cut)
Abigail Knapton (Championship Participant)
Anna McDonald (Achieved B Cut)
Izzi Murray (Achieved B Cut)
Dana Posthuma (Achieved B Cut)
Grace Tiernon (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sara Troyer (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jessica Warak (Championship Participant)
Gwen Worlton (Achieved B Cut)

Julia Adamczyk (Achieved B Cut)
Andressa Cholodovskis Lima (Achieved B Cut)
Donna Depolo (Achieved B Cut)
Rebecca Murray (Achieved B Cut)
Jamie Reynolds (Achieved B Cut)
Victoria Rice (Zone Diving Competitor)
Wiktoria Samula (Achieved B Cut)
Tamara Shmitova (Zone Diving Competitor)
Linnea Sorensen (Zone Diving Competitor)
Isabel Vazquez (Zone Diving Competitor)
Laura Vazquez Lopez (Championship Participant)
Josien Wijkhuijs (Achieved B Cut)

New Hampshire
Corinne Carbone (Achieved B Cut)
Anna Metzler (Achieved B Cut)

New Mexico
Natasha Dark (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jocelyn Gallais (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hedda Oritsland (Achieved B Cut)
Adriana Palomino (Achieved B Cut)
Konoha Shinada (Achieved B Cut)
Matea Sumajstorcic (Achieved B Cut)

New Mexico State
Raina Brommer (Zone Diving Competitor)
Mackinna Hauff (Zone Diving Competitor)

New York University
Imaal Ahmed (Achieved B Cut)
Ashley Brodnick (Championship Participant)
Sydney Catron (Achieved B Cut)
Honore Collins (Championship Participant)
Emily Fung (Championship Participant)
Allison Kapostasy (Championship Participant)
Nikita Kouznetsova (Championship Participant)
May Li (Championship Participant)
Terra Matsushima (Championship Participant)
Rachel Reistroffer (Championship Participant)
Jaime Robinson (Championship Participant)
Kelly Ryser (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sarah Stone (Championship Participant)
Grace Wakabayashi (Championship Participant)
Haley Wen (Championship Participant)
Carmen White (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ashlyn Winship (Zone Diving Competitor)
Erica (Ricky) Yuen (Championship Participant)

North Carolina
Brooke Bauer (Championship Participant)
Kate Boyer (Achieved B Cut)
Bryanna Cameron (Championship Participant)
Emma Cole (Championship Participant)
Grace Countie (Championship Participant)
Robyn Dryer (Achieved B Cut)
Zhada Fields (Championship Participant)
Emily Grund (Championship Participant)
Caroline Hauder (Championship Participant)
Lilly Higgs (Achieved B Cut)
Taylor Hockenberry (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sophie Lindner (Championship Participant)
Celeste Llona (Zone Diving Competitor)
Maria Lohman (Zone Diving Competitor)
Heidi Lowe (Achieved B Cut)
Allie Reiter (Achieved B Cut)
Maddie Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Mary O Soule (Achieved B Cut)

North Texas
Leigh Faires McGee (Achieved B Cut)

Megan Clark (Championship Participant)

Northern Arizona
Jennifer Cheetham (Zone Diving Competitor)
Monique King (Achieved B Cut)
Tatiana Kurach (Zone Diving Competitor)
Niamh McDonagh (Achieved B Cut)
Elisa Rodriguez (Achieved B Cut)
Emily Sharrer (Zone Diving Competitor)
Christina Torrente (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hope Williams (Achieved B Cut)

Northern Colorado
Maria Heymans (Achieved B Cut)
Petra Kis (Achieved B Cut)
Madelyn Moore (Achieved B Cut)

Northern Iowa
Crystal Florman (Achieved B Cut)
Moriah Ross (Achieved B Cut)
Katie Taylor (Achieved B Cut)

Northern Michigan
Briana Arnold (Championship Participant)
Emily Bell (Achieved B Cut)
Mary Grossman (Championship Participant)
Rachel Helm (Championship Participant)
Madeline Irelan (Championship Participant)
Regan Kilburn (Championship Participant)
Jamie Kimble (Championship Participant)
Angela Probstfeld (Championship Participant)
Savanna Saunders (Championship Participant)
Lena SOULAS (Championship Participant)
Gabriella Spajic (Achieved B Cut)
Katharina Springhetti (Achieved B Cut)
Dana Stroven (Achieved B Cut)
Margaret Vaitkus (Championship Participant)

Northern State
Hannah Kastigar (Championship Participant)

Sophie Angus (Achieved B Cut)
Miriam Guevara (Championship Participant)
Malorie Han (Achieved B Cut)
Krystal Lara (Achieved B Cut)
Ilektra Lebl (Achieved B Cut)
Olivia Rosendahl (Championship Participant)
Eryn Scannell (Zone Diving Competitor)
Calypso Sheridan (Championship Participant)
Tara Vovk (Achieved B Cut)

Notre Dame
Claire Andrews (Zone Diving Competitor)
Abigail Dolan (Championship Participant)
Sinead Eksteen (Achieved B Cut)
Skylar Fore (Championship Participant)
Cailey Grunhard (Championship Participant)
Lauren Heller (Championship Participant)
Erin Isola (Championship Participant)
Meaghan O'Donnell (Championship Participant)
Carly Quast (Championship Participant)
Katherine Rentz (Achieved B Cut)
Kyra Sarazen (Championship Participant)
Erin Sheehan (Achieved B Cut)
Nicole Smith (Championship Participant)
Bayley Stewart (Championship Participant)
Lindsay Stone (Championship Participant)
Kelly Straub (Championship Participant)
Luciana Thomas (Championship Participant)
Alice Treuth (Championship Participant)
Annie Wiese (Championship Participant)

Nova Southeastern
Suzanne Afchain (Achieved B Cut)
Madison Allen (Achieved B Cut)
Annie Carr (Achieved B Cut)
Ty Fell (Achieved B Cut)
LAUREL FINK (Championship Participant)
Caily Friel (Championship Participant)
Kaylee Gassen (Championship Participant)
Molly Griswold (Achieved B Cut)
Jenna Johns (Championship Participant)
Aleksandra Maslova (Championship Participant)
Madeline McCloskey (Achieved B Cut)
Amilia Nusbaum (Championship Participant)
Caroline Oster (Championship Participant)
Emma Sundstedt (Championship Participant)
Hannah Trieschmann (Achieved B Cut)
Elizabeth Zubero (Championship Participant)

Susan Lagrand (Achieved B Cut)
Sydney McDowell (Achieved B Cut)
Bernadette Turchi (Zone Diving Competitor)

Cindy Dong (Championship Participant)

Olivia Dillon (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nicole Hughes (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emilia Lahtinen (Achieved B Cut)
Taylor Miller (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kelsey Morgan (Achieved B Cut)
Hannah Schlegel (Achieved B Cut)
Corrin Van Lanen (Achieved B Cut)

Ohio State
Genevieve Angerame (Championship Participant)
Laura Banks (Achieved B Cut)
Alexis Barker (Championship Participant)
Rebekah Bradley (Championship Participant)
Maria Coy (Championship Participant)
Kathrin Demler (Championship Participant)
Nicole Fye (Achieved B Cut)
Hanna Gresser (Championship Participant)
Natalia Jaspeado (Achieved B Cut)
Lucija Jurkovic-Perisa (Championship Participant)
Marianne Kahmann (Achieved B Cut)
Grace Kowal (Achieved B Cut)
Molly Kowal (Championship Participant)
Devin Landstra (Achieved B Cut)
Georgia Mosher (Achieved B Cut)
Mikayla Murphy (Achieved B Cut)
TAYLOR PETRAK (Championship Participant)
Freya Rayner (Championship Participant)
Kristen Romano (Championship Participant)
Sally Tafuto (Achieved B Cut)
Lara Tarvit (Championship Participant)
Katherine Trace (Championship Participant)
Kerrigan Vargo (Achieved B Cut)
Georgia White (Championship Participant)

Ohio Wesleyan
Tyler Mansfield (Achieved B Cut)

Oklahoma Baptist
Miriam Avila (Championship Participant)
Madelyn Carson (Championship Participant)
Juliana Cifuentes (Championship Participant)
Julie Day (Championship Participant)
Jamie Edwards (Championship Participant)
Victoria Fonville (Championship Participant)
Marizel Van Jaarsveld (Championship Participant)
Genesis Veliz Caceres (Championship Participant)

Olivet Nazarene
Teagon Albert (Championship Participant)
Adrienne Anderson (Championship Participant)
Ashley Basham (Championship Participant)
Payton DeZur (Championship Participant)
Jordan Enders (Championship Participant)
Karla Islas (Championship Participant)
Leanne Latocha (Championship Participant)
Kylie Martin (Championship Participant)
Jacqueline Padal (Championship Participant)
Helina Reyes (Championship Participant)
Andrea Vega (Championship Participant)
Guadalupe Vega (Championship Participant)

Annika Clinton (Zone Diving Competitor)
Madeline Taylor (Zone Diving Competitor)

Oregon State
Felicia Anderson (Achieved B Cut)
Arianna Letrari (Achieved B Cut)

Ouachita Baptist
Lilia Clark (Achieved B Cut)

Jana Ciric (Achieved B Cut)

Angela Gagliardo (Achieved B Cut)
Semaj Walker (Achieved B Cut)

Pacific Lutheran
Kaycee Simpson (Championship Participant)

Catherine Buroker (Championship Participant)
Monika Burzynska (Achieved B Cut)
Hannah Kannan (Achieved B Cut)
Rachel Maizes (Achieved B Cut)
Andie Myers (Achieved B Cut)

Penn State
Christina Crowell (Zone Diving Competitor)
Carly Hart (Achieved B Cut)
Madison Hart (Championship Participant)
Olivia Jack (Achieved B Cut)
Brooke Matthias (Achieved B Cut)
Allyson Mchugh (Championship Participant)
Madison Murtagh (Achieved B Cut)
Stephanie Szekely (Achieved B Cut)

Rachel Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Serena Buchwald (Zone Diving Competitor)
Valerie Daigneault (Achieved B Cut)
Dakota Elliott (Achieved B Cut)
Camryn Forbes (Achieved B Cut)
Sarah Giamber (Achieved B Cut)
Krista Jones (Zone Diving Competitor)
Amy Read (Championship Participant)
Maddie Shaffer (Achieved B Cut)
Cortnee Williams (Zone Diving Competitor)

Elissa Fuller (Championship Participant)
Katie Johnson (Championship Participant)
Megan Manning (Championship Participant)
Hope McNair (Championship Participant)
Bailee Spivey (Championship Participant)

Mackenzie Cummings (Championship Participant)
Kate Denend (Championship Participant)
Ruby Epstein (Zone Diving Competitor)
Alexandra Gill (Achieved B Cut)
Sarah Jin (Championship Participant)
Madison Kauahi (Championship Participant)
Angela Ling (Championship Participant)
Allison Liu (Championship Participant)
Alexandra Werner (Championship Participant)
Hannah Zurmuhl (Championship Participant)

Regan Barney (Achieved B Cut)
Joanna Curry (Achieved B Cut)
Myriam Lin (Championship Participant)
Carolyn Macfarlane (Zone Diving Competitor)
Elaine Zhou (Achieved B Cut)

Emily Bretscher (Championship Participant)
Cady Farlow (Achieved B Cut)
Riley Kishman (Achieved B Cut)
Taite Kitchel (Championship Participant)
Emily Meaney (Championship Participant)
Morgan Meixner (Championship Participant)
Maggie Merriman (Championship Participant)
Natalie Myers (Achieved B Cut)
Jinq En Phee (Championship Participant)
Maizie Seidl (Achieved B Cut)
Jackie Smailis (Achieved B Cut)

Queens (NC)
Sarah Atkinson (Championship Participant)
Francesca Bains (Championship Participant)
Alexandria Baker (Championship Participant)
Frouke Beeksma (Championship Participant)
Hayley Blaauw (Championship Participant)
Lauren Crabtree (Achieved B Cut)
Hannah Craig (Achieved B Cut)
Georgia DaCruz (Championship Participant)
Anna De Boers (Championship Participant)
Kyrie Dobson (Championship Participant)
Wanda Dollmayer (Championship Participant)
Bobbie Gichard (Championship Participant)
Polina Lapshina (Championship Participant)
Josephina Lorda (Championship Participant)
Josephina Lorda Taylor (Championship Participant)
Rachel Massaro (Championship Participant)
Vladyslava Maznytska (Championship Participant)
Michelle Prayson (Championship Participant)
Sarah Reamy (Championship Participant)
Courtney Stewart (Championship Participant)
Kayla Tennant (Championship Participant)
Natalie Van Noy (Achieved B Cut)
Ella Van Troba (Achieved B Cut)

Queensborough CC
Winnie Tsang (Championship Participant)

Wendy McAleer (Championship Participant)
Samantha Scarano (Zone Diving Competitor)

Elisabeth Mcquaid (Zone Diving Competitor)

Megan Beaulieu (Championship Participant)
Amanda Wang (Championship Participant)

Rhode Island
Katherine Evans (Zone Diving Competitor)
Nicole Petta (Achieved B Cut)

Madi Griffin (Achieved B Cut)
Allie Hill (Championship Participant)

Marta Cano Minarro (Achieved B Cut)
Lindsay Mathys (Achieved B Cut)
Ellery Parish (Achieved B Cut)
Marie-claire Schillinger (Championship Participant)
Claire Therien (Achieved B Cut)
Rabea Tzenetos (Achieved B Cut)

Alexandra Beran (Zone Diving Competitor)
Madeleine Chao (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hannah Gouger (Championship Participant)
Sydney Weiskopf (Zone Diving Competitor)

Jessica Kugelman (Zone Diving Competitor)

Amy Adams (Championship Participant)
Olivia Phillips (Championship Participant)
Alicia Shenal (Championship Participant)
Sedera Zbranak (Championship Participant)

Monica Jackson (Achieved B Cut)

Makenzie Grider (Achieved B Cut)
Beatriz Olivieri (Championship Participant)
Maya Thompson (Achieved B Cut)
Sydney Willis (Championship Participant)

Abigail Brous (Championship Participant)
Miranda Coughlan (Championship Participant)
Corinne Finkbinder (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emily Kopchick (Championship Participant)
Daria Mnich (Championship Participant)
Klaudia Rzotkiewicz (Zone Diving Competitor)
Carlee Timmins (Championship Participant)

Lauren Boone (Zone Diving Competitor)
Rachel Byrne (Championship Participant)
Jenna Douglass (Zone Diving Competitor)
Federica Greco (Achieved B Cut)
Tereza GRUSOVA (Championship Participant)
Vera Koprivova (Championship Participant)
Francesca Stoppa (Championship Participant)

Saginaw Valley
Alexa Bloom (Achieved B Cut)
Elizabeth Caird (Championship Participant)
Alexandra Davis (Achieved B Cut)
Lydia Mattar (Achieved B Cut)
Sydney Shipps (Achieved B Cut)
Amanda Thielen (Championship Participant)

Saint Ambrose
Andrea Adam (Championship Participant)
Bethany Anderson (Championship Participant)
Kelly Baughman (Championship Participant)
Dani Crum (Championship Participant)
Taylor Madison (Championship Participant)
Maria Quilty (Championship Participant)
Catie Schimmelpfenning (Championship Participant)

Saint Andrews
Chiara Knebelkamp (Championship Participant)

Saint Benedicts (MN)
Mallory Jarvi (Zone Diving Competitor)

Saint Bonaventure
Rachel Kimmel (Achieved B Cut)

Saint Catherine (MN)
Sydney Grohman (Championship Participant)
Francesk Hernandez-Nietling (Championship Participant)
Macy Klein (Championship Participant)
Margaret Menso (Championship Participant)
Gabby Page (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hannah Svendsen (Championship Participant)
Jordyn Wentzel (Championship Participant)

Saint Cloud
Annaliesa Anderson (Championship Participant)
Mady Brinkman (Championship Participant)
Alexis Burroughs (Championship Participant)
Chelsea Gehrke (Championship Participant)
Annie Hart (Championship Participant)
Marena Kouba (Championship Participant)
Jessica Kramer (Achieved B Cut)
Leann Mengelkoch (Achieved B Cut)
Rebekah Stone (Championship Participant)
Jennifer Thompson (Championship Participant)
Britin Thomsen (Championship Participant)
Christina Ware (Championship Participant)

Saint Leo
Vittoria Bonsanti (Achieved B Cut)
Karina Kolb (Achieved B Cut)
Annie Lindstrom (Achieved B Cut)
Paulina Majszutowicz (Championship Participant)
Zofia Pilarska (Achieved B Cut)
Carolina Walch (Achieved B Cut)

Saint Mary (KS)
Megan Cutting (Championship Participant)

Saint Olaf
Caitlin Croasdell (Achieved B Cut)
Sophia Nevin (Championship Participant)
Kelly Punyko (Achieved B Cut)
Marissa (Mo) Wolff (Championship Participant)

Saint Rose
Gabi Ficano (Achieved B Cut)
Colleen Quaglia (Championship Participant)

Saint Thomas
Anna Astrup (Championship Participant)
Gretchen Behrens (Achieved B Cut)
Ashley Christensen (Championship Participant)
Peyton Ekman (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kirsten Nelson (Championship Participant)
Kellie Pruitt (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kathryn Smarjesse (Championship Participant)
Emily Weldon (Zone Diving Competitor)

San Diego
Kailyn Evans (Achieved B Cut)
Abigail Russell (Championship Participant)

San Diego State
Gina Cazares (Zone Diving Competitor)
Elli Ferrin (Achieved B Cut)
Delaney Gallagher (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sammy Geyer (Achieved B Cut)
Ximenia Lechuga Gonzalez (Zone Diving Competitor)
Lexi Letts (Zone Diving Competitor)
Morganne McKennan (Championship Participant)
McKenna Meyer (Achieved B Cut)
Kristina Murphy (Achieved B Cut)
Emily Reed (Zone Diving Competitor)
Alma Thormalm (Achieved B Cut)
Klara Thormalm (Championship Participant)
Courtney Vincent (Championship Participant)
Marie Yacopino (Zone Diving Competitor)

San Jose State
Brenna Bushey (Achieved B Cut)

SCAD Savannah
Sarah Dostie (Championship Participant)
Julie Henninger (Championship Participant)
Kaylen Hou (Championship Participant)
Chloe Hui (Championship Participant)
Sara Lacusky (Championship Participant)
Anna Kate McGinty (Championship Participant)
Maria Luisa Nolla (Championship Participant)
April O'Gorman (Championship Participant)
Allie Rassenfoss (Championship Participant)
Lydia Reinhardt (Championship Participant)
Grayson Reynolds (Championship Participant)
Erika Roller (Championship Participant)
Emily Rozar (Championship Participant)
Shayna Salzman (Championship Participant)
Sarah Scargill (Championship Participant)
Spencer Sheridan (Championship Participant)
Abigail Tankersley (Championship Participant)
Anne Weber-Callahan (Championship Participant)

Lauren Byrne (Achieved B Cut)
Audrey Campo (Championship Participant)

Paisley Simmons (Zone Diving Competitor)
Noel Whitlock (Zone Diving Competitor)

Gabriella Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
Mary Johnson (Championship Participant)

Aine Scholand (Championship Participant)

Simon Fraser
Marina Cummiskey (Achieved B Cut)
Jordan Doner (Championship Participant)
Jessie Gibson (Championship Participant)
Erin Lawrance (Championship Participant)
Kristen Olvet (Championship Participant)
Kaleigh Sharkey (Championship Participant)
Sara Whelan (Championship Participant)

Sioux Falls
Leah Eagleton (Achieved B Cut)
Nina Groene (Achieved B Cut)
Ella Johnson (Championship Participant)
Chantal Kasch (Championship Participant)
Jenna Krahn (Championship Participant)
Giulia Marcon (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Spaans (Championship Participant)
Cassandra Wright (Championship Participant)

Clarissa Cheam (Championship Participant)
Lily Feast (Championship Participant)
Zoe Frye (Championship Participant)
Sachiko Hagiya (Championship Participant)
Sydney Sansbury (Championship Participant)

South Carolina
Emily Barksdale (Championship Participant)
Emily Cornell (Championship Participant)
Marissa Delgado (Achieved B Cut)
Yu Qian Goh (Zone Diving Competitor)
Margaret Higgs (Championship Participant)
Halladay (Hallie) Kinsey (Championship Participant)
Mari Kraus (Championship Participant)
Christina Lappin (Championship Participant)
Edith Lingmann (Championship Participant)
Mikaela Lujan (Championship Participant)
Melinda Novoszath (Championship Participant)
Emma Otten (Achieved B Cut)
Karlee Price (Zone Diving Competitor)
Marissa Roth (Championship Participant)
Kate Sanderson (Championship Participant)
Katie Shannanhan (Championship Participant)

South Dakota
Haley Pederson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sarah Schank (Zone Diving Competitor)

South Georgia
Abigail Aldridge (Championship Participant)
Cali Angove (Championship Participant)
Stephanie Connell (Championship Participant)
Anna Deck (Championship Participant)
Kristen Farless (Championship Participant)
Lindsey Garrison (Championship Participant)
Jessilyn Graham (Championship Participant)
Casey Hall (Championship Participant)
Megan Harrell (Championship Participant)
Kailie Kornowski (Championship Participant)
Aubrey Leornards (Championship Participant)
Clara Simpson (Championship Participant)

Southern California
Margaret Aroesty (Championship Participant)
Marta Ciesla (Championship Participant)
Naomi Gowlett (Championship Participant)
Louise Hansson (Championship Participant)
Hannah Leach (Championship Participant)
Isabelle Odgers (Achieved B Cut)
Catherine Sanchez (Championship Participant)
Jemma SCHLICHT (Championship Participant)
Riley Scott (Championship Participant)
Carly Souza (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Stinson (Achieved B Cut)
Alyson Tam (Zone Diving Competitor)
Victoria Toris (Achieved B Cut)
Laticia-Leigh Transom (Championship Participant)
Makenna Turner (Achieved B Cut)
Caitlin Tycz (Championship Participant)
Kirsten Vose (Championship Participant)
Tatum Wade (Championship Participant)
Madison Witt (Championship Participant)
Madison Wright (Championship Participant)

Southern Connecticut
Avery Fornaciari (Achieved B Cut)

Southern Illinois
Jiarong Ji (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jiaxin Ji (Zone Diving Competitor)

Southern Methodist
Kathryn Crown (Zone Diving Competitor)
Olivia Grossklaus (Achieved B Cut)
Johanna Holloway (Zone Diving Competitor)
Taylor Ohlhauser (Zone Diving Competitor)
Felicity Passon (Achieved B Cut)
Andrea PODMANIKOVA (Championship Participant)
Erin Trahan (Championship Participant)

Ashley Harmon (Achieved B Cut)
Rehgan Hartsell (Achieved B Cut)
Jesse Stovall (Achieved B Cut)

Bailee Carey (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sierra Skaza (Championship Participant)

Zoe Bartel (Championship Participant)
Megan Byrnes (Championship Participant)
Katherine Drabot (Championship Participant)
Ella Eastin (Championship Participant)
Amalie Fackenthal (Championship Participant)
Haley Farnsworth (Championship Participant)
Brooke Forde (Championship Participant)
Katie Glavinovich (Championship Participant)
Anya Goeders (Championship Participant)
Hannah Kukurugya (Championship Participant)
Daria Lenz (Championship Participant)
Lucie Nordmann (Championship Participant)
Mia Paulsen (Championship Participant)
Lauren Pitzer (Championship Participant)
Allie Raab (Championship Participant)
Taylor Ruck (Championship Participant)
Carolina Sculti (Championship Participant)
Leah Stevens (Championship Participant)
Alexandra Szekely (Championship Participant)
Morgan Tankersley (Championship Participant)
Ashley Volpenhein (Achieved B Cut)
Erin Voss (Championship Participant)
Kim Williams (Achieved B Cut)
Grace Zhao (Championship Participant)

Stevens Institute
Izzy Fairman (Achieved B Cut)

SUNY Brockport
Brooke Leddon (Zone Diving Competitor)
Loren Sayers (Championship Participant)

SUNY Cortland
Kelly Davey (Championship Participant)
Taylor Williams (Zone Diving Competitor)

SUNY Geneseo
Kiersten Coates (Championship Participant)
Daniella Cornelia (Zone Diving Competitor)
Shelby Dobbertin (Zone Diving Competitor)
Madeline Knight (Championship Participant)
Kelly Lennon (Championship Participant)
Nancy Nasky (Championship Participant)
Sydney Ng (Achieved B Cut)
Omosefe (Deidra) Osula (Championship Participant)
Samantha Reichman (Championship Participant)
Lauren Siegel (Championship Participant)
Noelle Staso (Championship Participant)
Alyssa Vadala (Championship Participant)

SUNY Oswego
Miranda Frascatore (Zone Diving Competitor)

Katie Willis (Achieved B Cut)

Lauren Adamson (Championship Participant)
Piper Engler (Championship Participant)
Jaelyn Estabilio (Championship Participant)
Addison Graves (Championship Participant)
Kaitlyn Hester (Championship Participant)
Agnese Ozola (Championship Participant)
Andrea Porch (Championship Participant)
Natalie Soive (Championship Participant)
Taylar Spurgeon (Championship Participant)
Verity Vogel-Rigler (Championship Participant)

Tabor College
Madelynn Donohue (Championship Participant)
Annika Highstrom (Championship Participant)
Mariana Nassuno Alves (Championship Participant)
Michal Parris (Championship Participant)

Elizaveta Bazarova (Championship Participant)
Sara-kellett Clark (Achieved B Cut)
Gabbie Gauntt (Achieved B Cut)
Megan Goldthorpe (Achieved B Cut)
Erin Hixenbaugh (Achieved B Cut)
Victoria Horsman (Championship Participant)
Ali Lombardi (Championship Participant)
Maureen Moore (Championship Participant)
Anja Oca (Championship Participant)
Molly O'Hara (Championship Participant)
Emily Pfeifer (Achieved B Cut)
Courtney Sherwood (Championship Participant)
Cat Sterlacci (Achieved B Cut)
Mckenzie Street (Championship Participant)
Jesse Tobin (Championship Participant)
Hana van Loock (Championship Participant)
Megan Waddell (Championship Participant)

Madeline Banic (Championship Participant)
Mallory Beil (Achieved B Cut)
Erika Brown (Championship Participant)
Tess Cieplucha (Championship Participant)
Hannah Foster (Achieved B Cut)
Alex Gebel (Achieved B Cut)
Bailey Grinter (Championship Participant)
Ana Hernandez (Zone Diving Competitor)
Carrie Johnson (Championship Participant)
Danika Katzer (Achieved B Cut)
Sinclair Larson (Championship Participant)
Constanze (Stanzi) Moseley (Championship Participant)
Amanda Nunan (Championship Participant)
Tjasa Pintar (Championship Participant)
Nikol Popov (Championship Participant)
Trude Rothrock (Championship Participant)
Megan Sichterman (Championship Participant)
Meghan Small (Championship Participant)
Emily Sykes (Achieved B Cut)
Alexis Yager (Championship Participant)

Claire Adams (Championship Participant)
Olivia Anderson (Championship Participant)
Grace Ariola (Championship Participant)
Samantha Bromberg (Championship Participant)
Quinn Carrozza (Championship Participant)
Lauren Case (Championship Participant)
Julia Cook (Championship Participant)
Anelise Diener (Championship Participant)
Victoria Edwards (Achieved B Cut)
Joanna Evans (Championship Participant)
Alison Gibson (Championship Participant)
Brooke Hansen (Championship Participant)
Holly Jansen (Achieved B Cut)
Kennedy Lohman (Championship Participant)
Nora McCullagh (Achieved B Cut)
Morgan Menninger (Zone Diving Competitor)
Meghan Obrien (Zone Diving Competitor)
Meghan O'Brien (Championship Participant)
Evie Pfeifer (Championship Participant)
Paola Pineda (Zone Diving Competitor)
Paola Pineda Vazquez (Championship Participant)
Sofia Rauzi (Championship Participant)
Emily Reese (Achieved B Cut)
Remedy Rule (Championship Participant)
Kendall Shields (Achieved B Cut)
Jordan Wheeler (Achieved B Cut)
Maxine Wolters (Achieved B Cut)

Texas A&M
Haley Allen (Zone Diving Competitor)
Amanda Armstrong (Championship Participant)
Kaley Batten (Zone Diving Competitor)
Anna Belousova (Championship Participant)
Charlye Campbell (Championship Participant)
Emma Carlton (Championship Participant)
Chloe Ceyanes (Zone Diving Competitor)
Mckenna Debever (Championship Participant)
Raena Eldridge (Championship Participant)
Joy Field (Championship Participant)
Tiffany Futscher (Achieved B Cut)
Monika González-Hermosillo (Championship Participant)
Karling Hemstreet (Achieved B Cut)
Alais Kalonji (Championship Participant)
Sara Metzsch (Achieved B Cut)
Sydney Pickrem (Championship Participant)
Taylor Pike (Championship Participant)
Katie Portz (Achieved B Cut)
Kylie Powers (Championship Participant)
Jing Wen QUAH (Championship Participant)
Claire Rasmus (Championship Participant)
Victoria Roubique (Achieved B Cut)
Kornkarnjana Sapianchai (Championship Participant)
Sam Siebenaller (Achieved B Cut)
Caroline Theil (Achieved B Cut)
Camryn Toney (Championship Participant)
Harper Walding (Zone Diving Competitor)
Mollie Wright (Achieved B Cut)
Haley Yelle (Championship Participant)

Texas Christian
Isabella Ashdown (Zone Diving Competitor)
Connie Deighton (Zone Diving Competitor)
Madison Ibrahim (Achieved B Cut)

Maggie Davis (Championship Participant)
Jamie Haught (Championship Participant)
Kalaitzi Mary Lou (Championship Participant)
Kiana Molina (Championship Participant)
Chardonay Tophia (Championship Participant)

Joelle Gallais (Zone Diving Competitor)
Sydney Jackson (Zone Diving Competitor)

Kelsey Jehl (Zone Diving Competitor)
Amanda Rosa (Achieved B Cut)
Jacki Schoening (Achieved B Cut)
Emily Wilson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Victoria Zozzaro (Zone Diving Competitor)

Trinity (CT)
Lia Urban Spillane (Zone Diving Competitor)

Trinity (TX)
Mabel Fowler (Championship Participant)
Maren Merwarth (Championship Participant)
Katarina Partalas (Zone Diving Competitor)

Truman State
Emma Barnett (Achieved B Cut)
Shannon Dague (Achieved B Cut)
Natalie Galluzzo (Championship Participant)
Margaret Hickey (Championship Participant)
Mikayla Kempf (Achieved B Cut)
Lauren Massot (Championship Participant)
Megan Mensinger (Achieved B Cut)
Ginny Schranck (Achieved B Cut)
Kaylee Sisson (Championship Participant)

Amber Chong (Zone Diving Competitor)
Abigail Claus (Championship Participant)
Emma Donchi (Championship Participant)
Colleen Doolan (Championship Participant)
Rhys Empey (Achieved B Cut)
Sook-hee Evans (Achieved B Cut)
Alexandra (Sasha) Fong (Championship Participant)
Grace Goetcheus (Championship Participant)
Mary Hufziger (Championship Participant)
Jeanette Khowong (Championship Participant)
Lily Kurtz (Championship Participant)
Amy Socha (Championship Participant)
Hannah Spencer (Championship Participant)

Olivia Johnson (Achieved B Cut)
Kate McDonald (Achieved B Cut)
Jordan Morling (Achieved B Cut)
Michelle Zelnick (Achieved B Cut)
Paris Zhang (Achieved B Cut)

UC Davis
Londen Christensen (Zone Diving Competitor)
Solana Laughlin (Championship Participant)
Katie Truong (Zone Diving Competitor)

UC San Diego
Brooke Abrantes (Championship Participant)
Mirai Adams (Achieved B Cut)
Gabbie Brown (Achieved B Cut)
Lindsay Clark (Championship Participant)
Reagan Eickert (Championship Participant)
Ciara Franke (Championship Participant)
Alexis (Cody) Hargadon (Championship Participant)
Emily Lambert (Championship Participant)
Lily Maxfield (Achieved B Cut)
Alyson Mendez (Achieved B Cut)
Brittney Miles (Championship Participant)
Lindsey Miller (Achieved B Cut)
Grace Murphy (Championship Participant)
Olivia Parks (Championship Participant)
Jordan Phillips (Championship Participant)
Tina Reuter (Championship Participant)
Amanda Rios (Championship Participant)
Kaitlyn Ritchey (Championship Participant)
Patricia Sullivan (Championship Participant)
Ellie Whitney (Championship Participant)

UC Santa Barbara
Heaven Quintana (Achieved B Cut)

Olivia Andrew (Achieved B Cut)
Eloise Belanger (Championship Participant)
Claire Grover (Championship Participant)
Abriana Howard (Achieved B Cut)
Maisie Jameson (Championship Participant)
Jennifer Lathrop (Achieved B Cut)
Kenisha Liu (Championship Participant)
Emily Lo (Achieved B Cut)
Mara Newman (Championship Participant)
Amy Okada (Championship Participant)
Maria Polyakova (Championship Participant)
Emma Schanz (Championship Participant)
Traci Shiver (Zone Diving Competitor)
Delaney Smith (Championship Participant)
Sandra Soe (Championship Participant)
Alice Yanovsky (Zone Diving Competitor)

Agnieszka Blocka (Achieved B Cut)
Amber Visser (Achieved B Cut)
Merel Visser (Achieved B Cut)

Union (KY)
Jessica Axford (Championship Participant)
Victoria Carta (Championship Participant)
Elisabeth Kotmark (Championship Participant)
Kathiryn White (Championship Participant)

Union (NY)
Kerry Kelly (Championship Participant)
Amanda Lopez (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emilee Nason (Achieved B Cut)

University of Mary
Anna Jackson (Achieved B Cut)
Andrea Lee (Achieved B Cut)
Victoria Murillo (Championship Participant)
Kate Murphy (Achieved B Cut)
Abigail Zajdzinski (Championship Participant)

Carissa Armijo (Achieved B Cut)
Montse Urzua (Zone Diving Competitor)

Clara Baker (Championship Participant)
Sophie Lear (Championship Participant)
PEYTEN LYONS (Championship Participant)
Sophie May (Championship Participant)
Katie Schultz (Championship Participant)
Haley Sturla (Championship Participant)

JORDAN ANDERSON (Championship Participant)
Emma Broome (Achieved B Cut)
Aryanna Fernandes (Achieved B Cut)
Clare Greenlow (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emma Lawless (Achieved B Cut)
Sarah Lott (Achieved B Cut)
Sara McClendon (Achieved B Cut)
Christina Pick (Achieved B Cut)
Audrey Reimer (Achieved B Cut)
Genny Robertson (Achieved B Cut)
Emma Ruchala (Zone Diving Competitor)
Gillian St. John (Achieved B Cut)
Darby Wayner (Achieved B Cut)

UW Eau Claire
Samantha Senczyszyn (Championship Participant)

UW-Stevens Point
Anna Pilecky (Championship Participant)

Jessilyn Ecklund (Championship Participant)

Bridie Dunn (Zone Diving Competitor)
Kelly Montesi (Achieved B Cut)
Elise Pidutti (Achieved B Cut)

Mary Christensen (Championship Participant)
Erin Earley (Achieved B Cut)
Eryn Eddy (Championship Participant)
Caroline Gmelich (Championship Participant)
Morgan Hill (Championship Participant)
Paige Madden (Championship Participant)
Marcella Maguire (Championship Participant)
Julia Menkhaus (Championship Participant)
Megan Moroney (Championship Participant)
Jessica Nava (Championship Participant)
Anna Pang (Championship Participant)
Kirsten Parkinson (Zone Diving Competitor)
Rachel Politi (Achieved B Cut)
Jocelyn Porter (Zone Diving Competitor)
Abigail Richter (Championship Participant)
Emma Seiberlich (Championship Participant)
Vivian Tafuto (Championship Participant)
Mary Claire Tansill (Achieved B Cut)
Kylie Towbin (Championship Participant)
Kyla Valls (Championship Participant)
Maddy Vonderhaar (Achieved B Cut)
Alexis Wenger (Championship Participant)

Virginia Tech
Abigail Andrusin (Achieved B Cut)
Reka Gyorgy (Championship Participant)
Anna Landon (Achieved B Cut)
Brooke Leftwich (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emily Meilus (Achieved B Cut)
Teagan Moravek (Zone Diving Competitor)
Izzi Mroz (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ashlynn Peters (Championship Participant)
Kayla Purcell (Achieved B Cut)
Margarita Ryan (Achieved B Cut)
Joelle Vereb (Championship Participant)
Loulou Vos (Achieved B Cut)
Regan Westwood (Zone Diving Competitor)

Zoe Cable (Zone Diving Competitor)
Jamieson Elia (Zone Diving Competitor)

Adrianna Warning (Zone Diving Competitor)

Wash U. MO
Sabrina Baxamusa (Championship Participant)
Francesca Bonetta-Misteli (Championship Participant)
Grace Carey (Championship Participant)
Catherine (Reagan) Cowin (Championship Participant)
Stephanie Li (Championship Participant)
Ella Needler (Championship Participant)
Eleanor Pollitt (Championship Participant)
Lauren Sapp (Championship Participant)
Mollie Seidner (Championship Participant)

Washington & Lee
Caroline Baber (Championship Participant)
Claudia Barnett (Championship Participant)
Turner Bobbitt (Championship Participant)
Isabelle Chancey (Championship Participant)
Emily Hageboeck (Championship Participant)
Alison MacQueen (Championship Participant)

Washington State
Lauren Burckel (Achieved B Cut)
Mackenzie Duarte (Championship Participant)
Elsa Lindberg (Achieved B Cut)
Taylor McCoy (Achieved B Cut)

Wayne State
Julia Brunner (Championship Participant)
Lezlie Bueno Estrada (Championship Participant)
Ellie Dean (Championship Participant)
Aliza Durack (Championship Participant)
Haley Groteler (Championship Participant)
Amanda Hurchalla (Championship Participant)
Jia Yi Koh (Championship Participant)
Emily Marginean (Championship Participant)
Ashlen Michalski (Championship Participant)
Sophie Montesanti (Achieved B Cut)
Katherine Svisco (Championship Participant)
Mia Teifer (Championship Participant)

Jessica Wegner (Achieved B Cut)

Sophia Antonio (Championship Participant)
Mengmeng (Willa) Gibbs (Championship Participant)
Amanda McHugh (Achieved B Cut)
Grace Middleton (Championship Participant)
Caroline Murphy (Championship Participant)
Hannah O'Halloran (Championship Participant)
Maela Whitcomb (Championship Participant)

West Chester
Megan Burns (Championship Participant)
Grace Carey (Achieved B Cut)
Ann Carozza (Championship Participant)
Jenna Fox (Achieved B Cut)
Madison Grenoble (Championship Participant)
Taylor Hoover (Achieved B Cut)
Emelie Johansson (Achieved B Cut)
Mikaela Lantz (Championship Participant)
JULIA MCCARTHY (Championship Participant)
Elizabeth Miller (Championship Participant)
NADIA MULDER (Championship Participant)
EMMA O'NEILL (Championship Participant)
Georgia Wright (Championship Participant)

West Florida
Morgan Ayers (Achieved B Cut)
Brooke Ferrara (Championship Participant)
Olivia Hadaway (Achieved B Cut)
Pia Hulley (Championship Participant)
Manon Milczynski (Championship Participant)
Hannah O'Toole (Championship Participant)
Tabitha Read-Cayton (Achieved B Cut)
Ester Rizzetto (Championship Participant)
Caitlin Tierney (Championship Participant)

West Virginia
Morgan Bullock (Championship Participant)
Camille Burt (Zone Diving Competitor)
Julia Calcut (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emma Harris (Achieved B Cut)
Averly Hobbs (Zone Diving Competitor)
Emma Longley (Zone Diving Competitor)
Julia Nilton (Achieved B Cut)
Callie Smith (Zone Diving Competitor)
Madelyn Woods (Zone Diving Competitor)

West Virginia Tech
Mariana Loureiro (Championship Participant)

West Virginia Wesleyan
Rylee Jackson (Achieved B Cut)

Western Colorado
Savannah Tice (Championship Participant)
Miranda Yarnell (Championship Participant)

Kaitlyn Fast (Championship Participant)

Wheaton (IL)
Brooke Barnes (Championship Participant)

Wheaton (MA)
Lydia DaCorte (Championship Participant)
Maddy Morrison (Zone Diving Competitor)

Becca Hoffman (Achieved B Cut)
Mara Selznick (Achieved B Cut)
Miranda Williams (Achieved B Cut)

Megan Thai (Championship Participant)

Hannah Galbraith (Achieved B Cut)
Jamie Siegler (Championship Participant)

William & Mary
Megan Bull (Achieved B Cut)
Missy Cundiff (Achieved B Cut)

William Jewell
Savanna Barth (Achieved B Cut)
Jacqueline Leonard (Achieved B Cut)

Kristina Barry (Achieved B Cut)
Dana Chung (Championship Participant)
Caroline Conforti (Championship Participant)
Molly Craig (Championship Participant)
Casey Delano (Championship Participant)
Maia Hare (Championship Participant)
Gwyneth Maloy (Championship Participant)
Abigail Matheny (Championship Participant)
Alison McNamara (Championship Participant)
Gabriella Mercier (Zone Diving Competitor)
Katie Orringer (Achieved B Cut)
Georgia Panitz (Championship Participant)
Anna Peterson (Championship Participant)
Kerryann Reynolds (Achieved B Cut)
Ellie Sherman (Championship Participant)
Laura Westphal (Championship Participant)
Caroline White (Championship Participant)
Veronica Wolff (Championship Participant)

Kaitlyn Agger (Championship Participant)
Sara Aringsmann (Championship Participant)
Lauren Arrington (Championship Participant)
Mathilde Cros (Championship Participant)
Louise Hallden (Championship Participant)
Maike Hoener (Championship Participant)
Kelley Jones (Achieved B Cut)
Charlotte Knippenberg (Championship Participant)
Abby Kosic (Championship Participant)
Maria Madsen (Championship Participant)
Anna Miram (Championship Participant)
Anne-Sofie (Anso) Nissen (Championship Participant)
Leticia Odorici (Championship Participant)
Sydney Smith (Achieved B Cut)
Hanna Van Horen (Championship Participant)

Kelsi Artim (Championship Participant)
Kathleen Coughlin (Championship Participant)
Megan Doty (Championship Participant)
Margaret Guanci (Achieved B Cut)
Alexandra Hafey (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hazel Hertting (Zone Diving Competitor)
Lillie Hosack (Championship Participant)
Hannah Lindsey (Achieved B Cut)
Sydney Lofquist (Achieved B Cut)
Beata Nelson (Championship Participant)
Alex Reddington (Achieved B Cut)
Ariana Saghafi (Achieved B Cut)
Emmy Sehmann (Championship Participant)
Jenna Silvestri (Achieved B Cut)
Grace Tierney (Achieved B Cut)
Jessica Unicomb (Championship Participant)
Tereza Vithoulkas (Zone Diving Competitor)
Madison Waechter (Achieved B Cut)

Molly Likins (Achieved B Cut)

Samantha Burke (Achieved B Cut)
Peyton Grandpre (Zone Diving Competitor)
Ceejay Harris (Zone Diving Competitor)
Mckenna Houlihan (Zone Diving Competitor)
Hannah McLean-Leonard (Achieved B Cut)
Isobel Ryan (Achieved B Cut)

Marykate Buckley (Achieved B Cut)
Marisa Conner (Zone Diving Competitor)
Isabelle Henig (Achieved B Cut)
Isabella Hindley (Championship Participant)
Lili Margitai (Achieved B Cut)
Destiny Nelson (Achieved B Cut)
Cha O'Leary (Achieved B Cut)
Olivia Paoletti (Achieved B Cut)

York (PA)
Justine Wantz (Championship Participant)